Rethinking Marxism

Title Publication Date Language Citations
Anticapitalism or Postcapitalism? Both!2015/07/03English15
Rethinking Commodification and Prostitution: An Effort at Peacemaking in the Battles over Prostitution2001/06/01English15
Between State and Private Capitalism: What Was Soviet “Socialism”?1994/03/01English14
Fordism/Post-Fordism, Marxism/Post-Marxism: The Second Cultural Divide?1991/03/01English14
Failure of Socialism, Future of Socialists?1992/06/01English14
The Rhetoric of Disagreement1989/09/01English14
Putting Dialectics to Work: The Process of Abstraction in Marx's Method1990/03/01English14
The State's New Clothes: NGOs and the Internationalization of States2003/04/01English14
Platform Capitalism, Platform Cooperativism, and the Commons2021/04/03English14
Immaterial Labor and Artistic Production2005/04/01English13
As the World Turns: Globalization, Consumption, and the Feminization of Work2010/04/01English13
The Power Axis: Bowles, Gordon, and Weisskopf's Theory of Postwar U.S. Accumulation1988/09/01English13
Mourning, Melancholy, and the Politics of Class Transformation2006/04/01English13
Communism as a Mode of Life2015/07/03English12
Jouissanceand Antagonism in the Forms of the Commune: A Critique of Biopolitical Subjectivity2010/07/01English12
Questions of Communism: Ethics, Ontology, Subjectivity2006/04/01English12
A Marxist Education of the Encounter: Althusser, Interpellation, and the Seminar2017/04/03English12
Potentiality and Impotentiality in J. K. Gibson-Graham2013/12/17English12
Querying the Paradox of Caring Labor2012/10/01English12
The Arab Revolts: The Old Is Dying and the New Cannot Be Born2013/04/01English12
Politics of Indignation: Radical Democracy and Class Struggle beyond Postmodernity2013/04/01English12
Adventures of the Multitude: Response of the Authors2001/09/01English11
Recovering feudal subjectivities2004/10/01English11
Primitive Accumulation and the Formation of Difference: On Marx and Schmitt2011/07/01English11
Marxism, Poststructuralism, and the Discourse of Economists1991/06/01English11
Marxian Political Economy for an Age of Postmodern Excess1993/03/01English11
Marx's Value Theory: Modern or Postmodern?1995/12/01English11
Probing Praxis in Archaeology: The Last Eighty Years2005/07/01English11
Lukács's Theory of Reification and Contemporary Social Movements2015/10/02English11
Revisiting the Calculation Debate: A Call for a Multiscale Approach2022/04/03English11