Scripta Materialia

Title Publication Date Language Citations
Contribution to size effect of yield strength from the stochastics of dislocation source lengths in finite samples2007/02/01English436
Micro-hardness of annealed and work-hardened copper polycrystals1996/02/01English434
Mechanical properties of porous titanium compacts prepared by powder sintering2003/12/01English433
Manufacture by selective laser melting and mechanical behavior of a biomedical Ti–24Nb–4Zr–8Sn alloy2011/06/01English428
Austenite grain size and the martensite-start temperature2009/04/01English417
Precipitation in the equiatomic high-entropy alloy CrMnFeCoNi2016/03/01English413
Hardness and strain rate sensitivity of nanocrystalline Cu2006/06/01English412
Temperature dependent stacking fault energy of FeCrCoNiMn high entropy alloy2015/11/01English406
Fatigue life improvement through surface nanostructuring of stainless steel by means of surface mechanical attrition treatment2006/06/01English406
Mechanical properties of warm-extruded Mg–Zn–Gd alloy with coherent 14H long periodic stacking ordered structure precipitate2005/10/01English403
Hierarchical microstructure and strengthening mechanisms of a CoCrFeNiMn high entropy alloy additively manufactured by selective laser melting2018/09/01English402
Enhanced work-hardening behavior and mechanical properties in ultrafine-grained steels with large-fractioned metastable austenite2010/10/01English391
Tensile properties of a nanocrystalline 316L austenitic stainless steel2005/05/01English389
Enhanced age hardening response and creep resistance of Mg–Gd alloys containing Zn2005/11/01English387
Hydrogen storage in magnesium-based hydrides and hydride composites2007/05/01English387
Corrosion resistance of ultra fine-grained Ti2004/08/01English382
Tensile properties and twinning behavior of high manganese austenitic steel with fine-grained structure2008/11/01English366
Effective values of critical resolved shear stress for slip in polycrystalline magnesium and other hcp metals2010/10/01English364
The interaction mechanism of screw dislocations with coherent twin boundaries in different face-centred cubic metals2006/03/01English355
The design of accurate micro-compression experiments2006/01/01English351
On the homogeneity of deformation by high pressure torsion2004/11/01English343
Constitutional liquation during dissimilar friction stir welding of Al and Mg alloys2004/05/01English341
Friction stress and Hall-Petch relationship in CoCrNi equi-atomic medium entropy alloy processed by severe plastic deformation and subsequent annealing2017/06/01English339
Strain hardening behavior of a friction stir welded magnesium alloy2007/12/01English337
Effect of microstructural refinement on the toughness of low carbon martensitic steel2008/03/01English335
Influence of grain size and texture on Hall–Petch relationship for a magnesium alloy2011/12/01English331
A new one-step synthesis method for coating multi-walled carbon nanotubes with cuprous oxide nanoparticles2008/06/01English330
Fabrication of a gradient nano-micro-structured surface layer on bulk copper by means of a surface mechanical grinding treatment2008/09/01English328
Atomic-size effect and solid solubility of multicomponent alloys2015/01/01English326
Cold rolling textures in AZ31 wrought magnesium alloy2004/04/01English324