Scripta Materialia

Title Publication Date Language Citations
Effect of boron on grain boundary character distribution in Ni 3 Al1997/08/01English
Elasticity of Si-C-O and C fibres at high temperature1997/10/01English
Influence of small Cu additions on the microscopical magnetic properties of sintered Nd-Fe-B magnets1997/12/01English
Non-isothermal creep of metallic glasses1997/10/01English
Micromechanics of hydrogen assisted cracking in progressively drawn steels1999/03/01English
Structural and compositional changes during isothermal annealing of α″-martensite in Ti-8 wt.% Mo alloy1997/09/01English
Solute Redistribution by a Migrating Grain Boundary1998/05/01English
Copper segregated layer and oxide layer formed on the surface of an Fe-0.8 At% Cu alloy by angle resolved XPS1997/04/15English
A comparative study of the high temperature deformation behavior of Fe-25Al and Fe-25Al-10Ti alloys2000/04/14
Thermal Conductivity of Ruthenium Aluminide (RuAl)1998/01/01English
High-temperature reactivity in the ZrW2O8-Cu system1997/05/01English
In-situ SEM studies of grain boundary migration during recrystallization of cold-rolled nickel1999/07/01English
Effect of heat treatment in atmosphere on mechanical properties of pure titanium at liquid helium temperature1998/05/01English
Diffusional Creep and Diffusion-Controlled Dislocation Creep and Their Relation to Denuded Zones in Mg-ZrH2 Materials1998/03/01English
Computer simulation of a [110] edge dislocation intersecting a σ11 〈101〉 {131} grain boundary in aluminum1998/08/01English
Mechanically alloyed high strength Mg5wt.%Al 10.3%wt.Ti 4.7%wt.B alloy1999/04/01English
Mechanical spectroscopy of austempered ductile iron1997/12/01English
Effect of silver on strength of electrodeposited copper1998/10/01English
Strain Rate Insensitive Plasticity in Aluminum Alloy 50831998/03/01English
In-situ observaton of the early stage of crystallization in undercooled Pd-Cu-Ni-P melt2001/05/01English
Anisotropic elasticity studies of work hardening in epilayers1998/08/01English
Compression properties of B-doped Ir-15Nb two-phase refractory superalloys1999/10/01English
Ballistic penetration in thick copper plates: Microstructural characterization1997/11/01English
Characterisation of crystallographic evolution during creep deformation of a single crystal superalloy1997/06/15English
A correction to optimum alloy composition for design of high-temperature high-strength AlTiVZr alloys through thermodynamic calculations1997/07/01English
Depths of cracks produced by abrasion of brittle materials1998/12/01English
Microstructural evolution of a nanocrystalline Ti-47Al-3Cr alloy on annealing at 1200°C1998/08/01English
Transformability of t-ZrO2 and lattice parameters in plasma sprayed rare-earth oxides stabilized zirconia coatings1997/11/01English
Dislocation pile-ups as sites for formation of electromigration-induced transgranular slit-like voids in Al interconnects1999/12/01English
Effects of deposition condition on the ionic conductivity and structure of amorphous lithium phosphorus oxynitrate thin film1999/12/01English