Scripta Materialia

Title Publication Date Language Citations
Strain rate sensitivity of ductility in a Fe-28Al alloy under tensile impact1997/10/01English
An investigation into the fabrication and properties of Ni3Al thin coatings on nickel substrates1998/11/01English
Effect of microstructure and non-metallic inclusions on the impact properties of flux-cored weld metals1997/06/15English
Thermo-mechanical stability of directionally solidified Ai2O3-ZrO2(Y2O3) eutectic fibers1997/05/01English
Cavitation damage during high temperature tensile deformation in fine-grained alumina doped with magnesia or zirconia1998/10/01English
Anelastic grain-boundary relaxation arising from solid solution of chromium in polycrystalline Al2O31996/05/01English
Effect of heat-treatments and hot-isostatic pressing on phase transformation and microstructure in a β/B2 containing γ-TiAl based alloy2000/05/01English
Effect of aluminide particle distribution on the high temperature crack growth characteristics of a Co-Ni-Fe superalloy1997/10/01English
Dynamic Restoration During the Hot Cyclic Straining of Copper1997/12/18English
Reply to a comment to “on the mechanism of a hydrogen peak of internal friction in high-alloyed fcc iron”1999/04/01English
Dislocation fiber interactions in short fiber reinforced metal matrix composites during creep and during thermal cycling1997/12/01English
Strain amplitude dependence of the damping capacity in Fe-17%Mn alloy1998/01/13English
Surface effect on the grain boundary migration in bicrystals1998/11/01English
Microstructural evolution during the initial stages of spray atomization and deposition1999/08/01English
Local values of the diffusivities at the migration front of the discontinuous precipitates in Al-22 at.% Zn alloy1998/06/01English
Characterisation of Ge nanocrystals in co-sputtered Ge+SiO 2 system using raman spectroscopy, RBS and TEM2001/05/01English
Experimental assessment of the contribution of annealing twins to CSL distributions in FCC materials1997/05/01English
Interfacial reactions in SiCp/Al composite fabricated by pressureless infiltration1997/04/15English
The effects of thermo-mechanical treatments on superplasticity of Fe-24Cr-7Ni-3Mo-0.14N duplex stainless steel1997/03/01English
Thermal stability of copper reinforced by nanoscaled and microscaled alumina particles investigated by internal friction1999/04/01English
The Deformation Texture in a Ti49Ni51 Alloy1998/01/01English
A D.S.C study of the transformation of retained β (βM) obtained by quenching of Ti6A14V1996/05/01English
A role of δ-ferrite in edge-crack formation during hot-rolling of austenitic stainless steels1997/10/01English
Bi-Sb semiconductor alloy synthesized by mechanical alloying1997/07/01English
Mechanically induced cyclic crystallineamorphous transformations of ball milled Co50Ti50 alloy1997/05/01English
Shear Banding and Texture Development in Cold-Rolled α-Brass1998/02/01English
Thermomechanical study of the stress assisted two way memory effect fatigue in TiNi and CuZnAl wires1996/12/01English
The influence of dynamic strain ageing on stress response and strain-life relationship in low cycle fatigue of 316L(N) stainless steel1997/11/01English
Grain refinement in a copper alloy by shaped charge explosion1997/07/01English