
Title Publication Date Language Citations
Human mobility, global change and local development2005/06/306
Location dynamics of business services in the urban landscape of Copenhagen: Imaginary spaces of location2007/01/016
Tourist experience through travel guides: Reading, writing and telling a subjectivity2012/11/306
The geographical and social logics of residential space enclosure in France2003/03/316
Hierarchical network structure as seen in container shipping liner services in the Caribbean Basin2004/12/316
The olive quick decline syndrome (OQDS) diffusion in Apulia Region: an apparent contradiction according to the agricultural model2016/12/316
Permanences and breaks in the electoral geography of Belgium2001/06/306
Rainfall variability and its impacts on agricultural yields in the New Land area (Eastern Senegal)2018/02/015
Editorial: Peripheral borders, soft and hard re-bordering in Europe2020/01/025
Landscape research in Greece: an overview2004/09/305
Landscape and landscape research in Slovakia2004/09/305
Measuring the influence of the Camp de Tarragona high-speed rail station on first-time and repeat tourists visiting a coastal destination2016/09/305
An Earth observation based method to assess the influence of seasonal dynamics of canopy interception storage on the urban water balance2016/06/305
Stronger decline for smaller cities? Comparing demographic trajectories in Europe (1961-2011)2019/07/105
City-regional policies in the planning systems of Finland and Austria: National initiatives and European opportunities2019/05/245
From “level of acceptance” to “social mix”: distribution and exclusion of immigrants in the Lyon agglomeration (1970-2000)2013/12/305
A typology of border areas in the age of globalization2013/11/045
Sur le front russe, comme tant d’autres…2007/12/315
The border and its double. A model from the European experience2013/11/045
The impact of the broadcasting of sports events on the image and awareness of host cities abroad2008/06/305
Advanced services and city globalization on the Eastern fringe of Europe2007/01/015
Territorialization of an emerging art market: the case of Istanbul2014/12/195
The diffusion of major cultural facilities, vehicle of metropolization in working class neighbourhoods? A comparison of urban trajectories2014/12/155
“Let the business cycle!” A spatial multilevel analysis of cycling to work2009/06/305
Landscape research in Switzerland: exploring space and place of a multi-ethnic society2004/09/305
Does regional development explain international youth mobility?2018/05/125
Crue et développement rural dans la vallée du Sénégal : entre marginalisation et résilience2018/03/095
Does residential social mix promote mixity in schools? The case of Brussels2017/09/305
Cross-border cooperation on the external borders of the EU and the impact of the received EU CBC funds on AP Vojvodina/Serbia2020/01/025
From global to local : Human mobility in the Rome coastal area in the context of the global economic crisis*2011/12/315