Neo-liberal Citizenship | 2002/07/01 | English | 89 |
Citizenship studies: A general theory | 1997/02/01 | English | 88 |
Immigrant protest: an introduction | 2013/04/01 | English | 85 |
Designed to fail: A biopolitics of British citizenship | 2010/02/01 | English | 83 |
Cultural citizenship | 1997/02/01 | English | 82 |
City.State: Critique of Scalar Thought | 2007/05/01 | English | 81 |
Migration management for the benefit of whom? Interrogating the work of the International Organization for Migration | 2011/02/01 | English | 78 |
Institutional and Contextual Factors in Immigrant Naturalization and Voting | 2001/02/01 | English | 78 |
Twilight of Sovereignty or the Emergence of Cosmopolitan Norms? Rethinking Citizenship in Volatile Times | 2007/02/01 | English | 75 |
Globalization, Civil Society and Citizenship in Turkey: Actors, Boundaries and Discourses | 2003/07/01 | English | 74 |
The Square of Intimate Citizenship: Some Preliminary Proposals | 2001/11/01 | English | 74 |
State, citizenship, and the urban poor | 2011/06/01 | English | 72 |
Lived citizenship: conceptualising an emerging field | 2020/03/19 | English | 71 |
Immigration and the identity of citizenship: the paradox of universalism | 2008/12/01 | English | 70 |
Lines of sight: on the visualization of unknown futures | 2009/02/01 | English | 69 |
Deportation, detention and foreign-national prisoners in England and Wales | 2011/08/01 | English | 69 |
Divided Loyalties, Empowered Citizenship? Muslims in Britain | 2000/11/01 | English | 67 |
The third level of US welfare reform: governmentality under neoliberal paternalism | 2010/12/01 | English | 67 |
(Dis)qualified bodies: securitization, citizenship and ‘identity management’ | 2004/09/01 | English | 66 |
Neither Seen Nor Heard: Children's Citizenship in Contemporary Democracies* | 2005/05/01 | English | 65 |
At the temporary–permanent divide: how Canada produces temporariness and makes citizens through its security, work, and settlement policies | 2012/06/01 | English | 62 |
Citizenship and Solidarity: Reflections on the Canadian Way | 2002/12/01 | English | 61 |
Neo-liberalism's New Gendered Market Citizens: The 'Civilizing' Dimension of Social Programmes in Chile | 2000/11/01 | English | 61 |
Urban citizenship of rural migrants in reform-era China | 2010/04/01 | English | 60 |
Citizenship, reproduction and the state: international marriage and human rights | 2008/02/01 | English | 59 |
Citizenship and Voting Rights: Should Resident Aliens Vote? | 2006/05/01 | English | 58 |
Cosmopolitan citizenship | 1998/02/01 | English | 58 |
Afterword: acts of affective citizenship? Possibilities and limitations | 2016/11/16 | English | 58 |
Towards a Global Environmental Citizenship? | 2000/02/01 | English | 57 |
Evaluating Union citizenship: belonging, rights and participation within the EU | 2008/12/01 | English | 56 |