Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies

Title Publication Date Language Citations
Optimal feedback control law for automated vehicles in the presence of cyberattacks: A min–max approach2023/08/01English
Stochastic conformal anomaly detection and resolution for air traffic control2023/09/01English
Structure-free model-based predictive signal control: A sensitivity analysis on a corridor with spillback2023/08/01English
Forecasting passenger flows and headway at train level for a public transport line: Focus on atypical situations2023/08/01English
A behavioral probabilistic model of carrier spatial repositioning decision-making2023/08/01English
Editorial Board2023/02/01English
Modeling interpretable social interactions for pedestrian trajectory2024/05/01English
Pattern diversity based trip-level impact evaluation on mileage and emissions of on-demand ride-splitting2024/05/01English
Dynamic vehicle routing problem with drone resupply for same-day delivery2024/05/01English
Joint runway–gate assignment based on the Branch-and-Price algorithm2024/05/01English
Enhancing choice-set generation and route choice modeling with data- and knowledge-driven approach2024/05/01English
Optimal cruise airspeed selection and RTA adjustment in the presence of wind uncertainty2024/05/01English
A survey-based methodology to determine information requirements for advanced traveler information systems1995/04/01English
Operations and regulations for a ride-sourcing market with a mixed fleet of human drivers and autonomous vehicles2024/03/01English
On the string stability of neural network-based car-following models: A generic analysis framework2024/03/01English
Simulation studies of integrated corridor control in Glasgow1997/08/01English
An urban traffic flow model integrating neural networks1997/10/01English
Automatic autonomous system for correlative control of traffic1995/04/01English
List of contents and author index1996/12/01English
Cooperative traffic signal control through a counterfactual multi-agent deep actor critic approach2024/03/01English
An exact algorithm for unpaired pickup and delivery vehicle routing problem with multiple commodities and multiple visits2024/03/01English
A new methodology for evaluating incident detection algorithms2002/06/01English
Dynamic-learning spatial-temporal Transformer network for vehicular trajectory prediction at urban intersections2023/11/01English
Capacity-constrained mean-excess equilibrium assignment method for railway networks2023/11/01English
The drone latency location routing problem under uncertainty2023/11/01English
Ride-sourcing market equilibrium analysis and optimization under immediate matching strategies2023/11/01English
A prediction and behavioural analysis of machine learning methods for modelling travel mode choice2023/11/01English
Motion and geometry-related information fusion through a framework for object identification from a moving camera in urban driving scenarios2023/10/01English
An incentivized scheme for electric vehicle charging demand management2023/10/01English
Intermediate service facility planning in a stochastic and competitive market: Incorporating agent-infrastructure interactions over networks2023/09/01English