IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems

Title Publication Date Language Citations
Deadlock-free multicast wormhole routing in 2-D mesh multicomputers1994/01/0197
Fault-free Hamiltonian cycles in faulty arrangement graphs1999/03/0196
Unicast-based multicast communication in wormhole-routed networks1994/01/0193
Diagnosability of the Mobius cubes1998/01/0192
Computing on anonymous networks. I. Characterizing the solvable cases1996/01/0190
Fault diameter of k-ary n-cube networks1997/01/0188
Matching and scheduling algorithms for minimizing execution time and failure probability of applications in heterogeneous computing2002/03/0182
Efficient scheduling algorithms for real-time multiprocessor systems1990/04/0182
Diskless checkpointing1998/01/0182
Hierarchical cubic networks1995/04/0180
On the granularity and clustering of directed acyclic task graphs1993/06/0178
Highly scalable parallel algorithms for sparse matrix factorization1997/05/0177
The timed asynchronous distributed system model1999/06/0174
Edge congestion and topological properties of crossed cubes2000/01/0174
Trapezoid self-scheduling: a practical scheduling scheme for parallel compilers1993/01/0173
Constant time algorithms for the transitive closure and some related graph problems on processor arrays with reconfigurable bus systems1990/01/0172
Design and evaluation of system-level checks for on-line control flow error detection1999/06/0170
Fault-tolerant ring embedding in a star graph with both link and node failures1997/01/0169
Optimal broadcasting on the star graph1992/07/0168
Fault-tolerance through scheduling of aperiodic tasks in hard real-time multiprocessor systems1997/03/0167
Demonstration of automatic data partitioning techniques for parallelizing compilers on multicomputers1992/03/0166
A cost and speed model for k-ary n-cube wormhole routers1998/01/0166
Overload management in real-time control applications using (m, k)-firm guarantee1999/06/0166
Necessary and sufficient conditions for consistent global snapshots1995/01/0165
Scalability of parallel algorithm-machine combinations1994/06/0165
How useful is old information?2000/01/0165
A family of fault-tolerant routing protocols for direct multiprocessor networks1995/05/0164
Lazy task creation: a technique for increasing the granularity of parallel programs1991/07/0164
Symmetric crossbar arbiters for VLSI communication switches1993/01/0164
Genetic scheduling for parallel processor systems: comparative studies and performance issues1999/01/0162