Physical Review Fluids

Title Publication Date Language Citations
Microscopic investigation of vortex breakdown in a dividing T-junction flow2018/07/16English3
Effect of Prandtl number on heat transport enhancement in Rayleigh-Bénard convection under geometrical confinement2018/01/09English3
Hysteretic growth and decay of a waterspout column2018/02/20English3
Discrete ion stochastic continuum overdamped solvent algorithm for modeling electrolytes2021/04/22English3
Convection driven by internal heat sources and sinks: Heat transport beyond the mixing-length or “ultimate” scaling regime2019/12/19English3
Role of all jet drops in mass transfer from bursting bubbles2020/03/10English3
Driving factors of electro-convective instability in concentration polarization2016/06/08English3
Exact solutions and physical analogies for unidirectional flows2016/06/09English3
Dynamic subfilter-scale stress model for large-eddy simulations2016/08/01English3
Spontaneous polarization and locomotion of an active particle with surface-mobile enzymes2020/12/17English3
Flow fields and vortex dynamics of bubbles collapsing near a solid boundary2017/06/13English3
Knudsen pump inspired by Crookes radiometer with a specular wall2017/03/22English3
Turbulence modulation in heavy-loaded suspensions of tiny particles2017/03/30English3
Taking large-eddy simulation of wall-bounded flows to higher Reynolds numbers by use of anisotropy-resolving subgrid models2017/03/03English3
Odd viscosity in two-dimensional incompressible fluids2017/09/15English3
How merging droplets jump off a superhydrophobic surface: Measurements and model2017/11/16English3
Fluid forces or impacts: What governs the entrainment of soil particles in sediment transport mediated by a Newtonian fluid?2017/07/19English3
Global linear instability of rotating-cone boundary layers in a quiescent medium2019/04/08English3
Formation of a thin circulation layer in a two-fluid rotating flow2019/05/13English3
Diffusiophoretic and diffusioosmotic velocities for mixtures of valence-asymmetric electrolytes2019/04/12English3
Role of body stiffness in undulatory swimming: Insights from robotic and computational models2016/11/21English3
Flow topologies in different regimes of premixed turbulent combustion: A direct numerical simulation analysis2016/12/02English3
Transient dynamics of eccentric double emulsion droplets in a simple shear flow2017/10/19English3
Vortex-ring-induced internal mixing upon the coalescence of initially stationary droplets2017/11/29English3
Minimum-dissipation scalar transport model for large-eddy simulation of turbulent flows2016/08/29English3
Finite Reynolds number corrections of the 4/5 law for decaying turbulence2016/10/19English3
Rayleigh-Taylor turbulence with singular nonuniform initial conditions2018/09/12English3
Splash of a drop impacting onto a solid substrate wetted by a thin film of another liquid2018/07/02English3
Turbulence and turbulent pattern formation in a minimal model for active fluids2018/06/25English3
Rheological response of nonspherical granular flows down an incline2018/07/03English3