The Annals of Statistics

Title Publication Date Language Citations
Slice sampling2003/06/01887
Kernel methods in machine learning2008/06/01879
Negative Association of Random Variables with Applications1983/03/01873
Mixtures of Dirichlet Processes with Applications to Bayesian Nonparametric Problems1974/11/01867
On Chi-Squared Tests for Multiway Contingency Tables with Cell Proportions Estimated from Survey Data1984/03/01850
Jackknife, Bootstrap and Other Resampling Methods in Regression Analysis1986/12/01836
Some Asymptotic Theory for the Bootstrap1981/11/01833
Optimal Global Rates of Convergence for Nonparametric Regression1982/12/01783
Consistency and Limiting Distribution of the Least Squares Estimator of a Threshold Autoregressive Model1993/03/01759
Bayesianly Justifiable and Relevant Frequency Calculations for the Applied Statistician1984/12/01752
Vines--a new graphical model for dependent random variables2002/08/01744
Log-Periodogram Regression of Time Series with Long Range Dependence1995/06/01729
The Jackknife Estimate of Variance1981/05/01714
Comparing Nonparametric Versus Parametric Regression Fits1993/12/01709
Logistic Regression Diagnostics1981/07/01684
Nonparametric Inference for a Family of Counting Processes1978/07/01683
Projection Pursuit1985/06/01679
Regularized estimation of large covariance matrices2008/02/01662
Boosting the margin: a new explanation for the effectiveness of voting methods1998/10/01659
Additive Regression and Other Nonparametric Models1985/06/01642
Ferguson Distributions Via Polya Urn Schemes1973/03/01639
The Bayesian Bootstrap1981/01/01611
Nonconcave penalized likelihood with a diverging number of parameters2004/06/01610
Heuristics of instability and stabilization in model selection1996/12/01601
A Universal Prior for Integers and Estimation by Minimum Description Length1983/06/01583
Optimal predictive model selection2004/06/01577
Efficient Parameter Estimation for Self-Similar Processes1989/12/01572
Asymptotics for lasso-type estimators2000/10/01572
Multivariate Locally Weighted Least Squares Regression1994/09/01546
Asymptotics for Linear Processes1992/06/01544