The Annals of Statistics

Title Publication Date Language Citations
Estimating the Dimension of a Model1978/03/0125,616
Greedy function approximation: A gradient boosting machine.2001/10/0110,008
Bootstrap Methods: Another Look at the Jackknife1979/01/019,382
The control of the false discovery rate in multiple testing under dependency2001/08/016,205
Least angle regression2004/04/014,515
A Class of $K$-Sample Tests for Comparing the Cumulative Incidence of a Competing Risk1988/09/013,783
Multivariate Adaptive Regression Splines1991/03/013,422
Additive logistic regression: a statistical view of boosting (With discussion and a rejoinder by the authors)2000/04/012,884
Cox's Regression Model for Counting Processes: A Large Sample Study1982/12/012,555
A Bayesian Analysis of Some Nonparametric Problems1973/03/012,217
A Simple General Approach to Inference About the Tail of a Distribution1975/09/011,673
High-dimensional graphs and variable selection with the Lasso2006/06/011,652
Statistical Inference Using Extreme Order Statistics1975/01/011,621
Markov Chains for Exploring Posterior Distributions1994/12/011,595
On the Convergence Properties of the EM Algorithm1983/03/011,495
The positive false discovery rate: a Bayesian interpretation and the q-value2003/12/011,368
Bayesian Inference for Causal Effects: The Role of Randomization1978/01/011,276
The Jackknife and the Bootstrap for General Stationary Observations1989/09/011,258
Measuring and testing dependence by correlation of distances2007/12/011,252
The Dantzig selector: Statistical estimation when p is much larger than n2007/12/011,238
Robust Regression: Asymptotics, Conjectures and Monte Carlo1973/09/011,232
Estimation of the Mean of a Multivariate Normal Distribution1981/11/011,232
The Dip Test of Unimodality1985/03/011,180
Empirical Likelihood Ratio Confidence Regions1990/03/011,095
Empirical Likelihood and General Estimating Equations1994/03/011,093
Agreeing to Disagree1976/11/011,037
Gaussian Semiparametric Estimation of Long Range Dependence1995/10/01965
High Breakdown-Point and High Efficiency Robust Estimates for Regression1987/06/01930
On the distribution of the largest eigenvalue in principal components analysis2001/04/01918
Consistent Nonparametric Regression1977/07/01892