Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing

Title Publication Date Language Citations
Impact of Prepregnancy Body Mass Index on Pregnancy Outcome in Women with a Singleton Conceived by Assisted Reproductive Technology and Spontaneously Conceived Pregnancy: A Case-control Study2012/01/01Korean
Factors Influencing Problem and Pathological Gambling in Participants of Horse Race Gambling2012/01/01Korean
Effects of an Infant/Toddler Health Program on Parenting Knowledge, Behavior, Confidence, and Home Environment in Low-income Mothers2012/01/01Korean
A Study on Family Satisfaction with Community Mental Health Center Services in Gyeonggi Province by Families of People with Mental Illness2009/01/01Korean
Effects of an Exercise Program on Frontal Lobe Cognitive Function in Elders2009/01/01Korean
The Relationships among Perceived Parental Bonding, Illness Perception, and Anxiety in Adult Patients with Congenital Heart Diseases2017/01/01Korean
Association between Awareness of Nutrition Labels and Menstrual Cycle Irregularity in Korean Women: The Fifth Korea National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (2010~2012)2017/01/01English
Factors Influencing Musculoskeletal Symptoms in Military Personnel during Basic Combat Training2016/01/01Korean
Effects of a Health Partnership Program Using Mobile Health Application for Male Workers with Cardiovascular Risk Factors in Small and Medium Enterprises: A Randomized Controlled Trial2024/01/01Korean
The Effects of Stress Vulnerability and Parental Burnout on Mental Health in Women with Early School-Age Children during the COVID-19 Pandemic: Mediating Effect of Spirituality2024/01/01Korean
Effect of an Intervention Using Voice Recording of a Family Member on Patients Undergoing Mechanical Ventilator Weaning Process2024/01/01Korean
Descriptive Review of Patents in Healthcare and Nursing: Based on Network Analysis2024/01/01Korean
Factors Influencing the Intention for Continual Fertility Treatments by the Women Undergoing Assisted Reproductive Technology Procedures: A Cross-Sectional Study2024/01/01Korean
Lived Experience of Kidney Transplant Recipients with Kidney Graft Failure2024/01/01Korean
Impact of Anthropometric Indices of Obesity on the Risk of Incident Hypertension in Adults with Prehypertension: A Secondary Analysis of a Cohort Study2024/01/01Korean
Structural Equation Modeling of Health Promotion Behavior on Migrant Workers: A Multi-Group Analysis Based on the Period of Residence2024/01/01Korean
National Petition Analysis Related to Nursing: Text Network Analysis and Topic Modeling2023/01/01Korean
The Effects of the Infant Health Promotion Program for Mothers with Their Firstborn Infants2023/01/01Korean
Nursing Students’ Experiences of Observing the Use of Physical Restraints: A Qualitative Study2023/01/01Korean
Development of Nursing Clinical Judgment Scale2023/01/01Korean
Association between Resilience, Professional Quality of Life, and Caring Behavior in Oncology Nurses: A Cross-Sectional Study2023/01/01English
Effects of Nursing Work Environment on Intention to Stay of Hospital Nurses: A Two-Mediator Serial Mediation Effect of Career Motivation and Job-Esteem2023/01/01Korean
Perspectives of Frontline Nurses Working in South Korea during the COVID-19 Pandemic: A Combined Method of Text Network Analysis and Summative Content Analysis2023/01/01English
Emotional Intelligence, Academic Motivation, and Achievement among Health Science Students in Saudi Arabia: A Self-Deterministic Approach2023/01/01English
A Caring Program for Health Promotion among Women Who Have Experienced Trauma: A Quasi-Experimental Pilot Study2023/01/01English
Experiences of Transitional Care for Medicaid Case Managers2023/01/01Korean
The Effects of the Combined Biofeedback and Brief Emotion Regulation Nursing Intervention Based on the Gross Model for Sexually Abused Adolescents2022/01/01Korean
Reporting Guideline for Medication Adherence Research Quality: EMERGE2022/01/01English
The Validity and Reliability of the Korean Version of Readiness for Practice Survey for Nursing Students2022/01/01Korean