IEEE Transactions on Reliability

Title Publication Date Language Citations
Exponentiated Weibull family for analyzing bathtub failure-rate data1993/06/01646
Reliability optimization of series-parallel systems using a genetic algorithm1996/06/01437
An annotated overview of system-reliability optimization2000/06/01332
Dynamic fault-tree models for fault-tolerant computer systems1992/01/01298
Sequential imperfect preventive maintenance policies1988/01/01245
Genetic algorithms in optimization of system reliability1995/06/01226
Redundancy optimization for series-parallel multi-state systems1998/06/01195
Reliability evaluation of a limited-flow network in terms of minimal cutsets1993/01/01183
Optimum simple step-stress accelerated life tests with censoring1989/01/01161
Error detection by duplicated instructions in super-scalar processors2002/03/01149
Survey of reliability studies of consecutive-k-out-of-n:F and related systems1995/03/01142
Control-flow checking by software signatures2002/03/01139
A BDD-based algorithm for reliability analysis of phased-mission systems1999/03/01138
A general imperfect-software-debugging model with S-shaped fault-detection rate1999/06/01136
Closed-form expressions for distribution of sum of exponential random variables1997/01/01131
Optimal apportionment of reliability and redundancy in series systems under multiple objectives1992/01/01118
An algorithm for computing the reliability of weighted-k-out-of-n systems1994/06/01113
An efficient algorithm to solve integer-programming problems arising in system-reliability design1991/04/01109
Event-tree analysis using binary decision diagrams2000/06/01109
Generalized multi-state k-out-of-n:G systems2000/03/01102
A consecutive-k-out-of-n:G system: the mirror image of a consecutive-k-out-of-n:F system1990/06/0198
A note on state-space decomposition methods for analyzing stochastic flow networks1995/06/0198
Dependability modeling using Petri-nets1995/01/0197
Optimal design of partially accelerated life tests for the exponential distribution under type-I censoring1992/01/0196
Quality engineering (Taguchi methods) for the development of electronic circuit technology1995/06/0196
Software-reliability growth with a Weibull test-effort: a model and application1993/03/0192
Voting algorithms1994/01/0191
A new model for step-stress testing1998/06/0189
The use of precautionary loss functions in risk analysis1996/01/0188
Approaches for reliability modeling of continuous-state devices1999/03/0185