IEEE Journal of Solid-State Circuits

Title Publication Date Language Citations
A general theory of phase noise in electrical oscillators1998/01/01938
Low-power CMOS digital design1992/04/01717
Simple accurate expressions for planar spiral inductances1999/01/01662
A 1.5-V, 1.5-GHz CMOS low noise amplifier1997/05/01521
Alpha-power law MOSFET model and its applications to CMOS inverter delay and other formulas1990/04/01506
On-chip spiral inductors with patterned ground shields for Si-based RF ICs1998/05/01460
Design of an image edge detection filter using the Sobel operator1988/04/01442
Jitter and phase noise in ring oscillators1999/06/01426
A filtering technique to lower LC oscillator phase noise2001/01/01404
A study of phase noise in CMOS oscillators1996/03/01386
Design issues in CMOS differential LC oscillators1999/05/01371
Monolithic transformers for silicon RF IC design2000/09/01361
Oscillator phase noise: a tutorial2000/03/01352
A 1.5-V, 10-bit, 14.3-MS/s CMOS pipeline analog-to-digital converter1999/05/01343
Direct-conversion radio transceivers for digital communications1995/01/01324
Self-powered signal processing using vibration-based power generation1998/05/01296
An experimental 512-bit nonvolatile memory with ferroelectric storage cell1988/01/01285
A CMOS bandgap reference circuit with sub-1-V operation1999/05/01282
A high-resolution CMOS time-to-digital converter utilizing a Vernier delay line2000/02/01278
1-V power supply high-speed digital circuit technology with multithreshold-voltage CMOS1995/01/01278
Concepts and methods in optimization of integrated LC VCOs2001/06/01259
Noise in RF-CMOS mixers: a simple physical model2000/01/01255
High-speed CMOS circuit technique1989/02/01251
A 4-MHz CMOS continuous-time filter with on-chip automatic tuning1988/06/01244
A dynamic voltage scaled microprocessor system2000/11/01241
Analysis, design, and optimization of spiral inductors and transformers for Si RF ICs1998/01/01241
Impact of die-to-die and within-die parameter fluctuations on the maximum clock frequency distribution for gigascale integration2002/01/01235
A low-voltage, low quiescent current, low drop-out regulator1998/01/01235
A CMOS transconductance-C filter technique for very high frequencies1992/01/01227
A 10 b, 20 Msample/s, 35 mW pipeline A/D converter1995/03/01225