Behavioral Ecology and Archaeology | 2006/06/01 | English | 218 |
The Analysis of Stone Tool Procurement, Production, and Maintenance | 2008/09/19 | English | 182 |
The Emergence of Ornaments and Art: An Archaeological Perspective on the Origins of “Behavioral Modernity” | 2007/01/30 | English | 174 |
The Osteological Paradox 20 Years Later: Past Perspectives, Future Directions | 2015/03/17 | English | 156 |
Cultural Transmission Theory and the Archaeological Record: Providing Context to Understanding Variation and Temporal Changes in Material Culture | 2007/08/04 | English | 138 |
The Archaeology of Food and Social Diversity | 2012/05/03 | English | 115 |
Zooarchaeology in Complex Societies: Political Economy, Status, and Ideology | 2009/01/10 | English | 110 |
Evolutionary Foraging Models in Zooarchaeological Analysis: Recent Applications and Future Challenges | 2007/05/24 | English | 106 |
Cycles of Civilization in Northern Mesopotamia, 4400–2000 BC | 2010/03/24 | English | 102 |
What Maya Collapse? Terminal Classic Variation in the Maya Lowlands | 2007/08/17 | English | 101 |
Reassessing the Emergence of Village Life in the Near East | 2005/09/01 | English | 93 |
Patterns of War in the Andes from the Archaic to the Late Horizon: Insights from Settlement Patterns and Cranial Trauma | 2013/03/27 | English | 90 |
The Neolithic Macro-(R)evolution: Macroevolutionary Theory and the Study of Culture Change | 2008/09/23 | English | 87 |
The Chinese Upper Paleolithic: Geography, Chronology, and Techno-typology | 2012/08/24 | English | 86 |
Nothing Lasts Forever: Environmental Discourses on the Collapse of Past Societies | 2012/01/11 | English | 85 |
New Developments in the Use of Spatial Technology in Archaeology | 2009/03/27 | English | 83 |
Is it Intensification Yet? Current Archaeological Perspectives on the Evolution of Hunter-Gatherer Economies | 2014/11/05 | English | 74 |
New Directions in Bioarchaeology: Recent Contributions to the Study of Human Social Identities | 2008/04/11 | English | 73 |
Baffles and Bastions: The Universal Features of Fortifications | 2007/03/05 | English | 72 |
Dwellers by the Sea: Native American Adaptations along the Southern Coasts of Eastern North America | 2010/07/14 | English | 70 |
Multiregional Perspectives on the Archaeology of the Andes During the Late Intermediate Period (c. A.D. 1000–1400) | 2008/03/25 | English | 69 |
Alternative Complexities: The Archaeology of Pastoral Nomadic States | 2014/04/02 | English | 66 |
The Archaeology of Trading Systems, Part 1: Towards a New Trade Synthesis | 2008/04/09 | English | 65 |
The Provenance, Use, and Circulation of Metals in the European Bronze Age: The State of Debate | 2018/07/02 | English | 65 |
A Comparison of Niche Construction Theory and Diet Breadth Models as Explanatory Frameworks for the Initial Domestication of Plants and Animals | 2015/02/21 | English | 62 |
Regional Settlement Pattern Studies | 2008/03/08 | English | 60 |
New Perspectives in Mississippian Archaeology | 2009/08/21 | English | 56 |
Siberia at the Last Glacial Maximum: Environment and Archaeology | 2008/01/12 | English | 53 |
The Rise of Pastoralism in the Ancient Near East | 2018/09/03 | English | 49 |
Advances in the Household Archaeology of Highland Mesoamerica | 2010/11/06 | English | 49 |