Journal of Rheology

Title Publication Date Language Citations
Analysis of Linear Viscoelasticity of a Crosslinking Polymer at the Gel Point1986/04/01English1,791
A Theoretical Basis for the Application of Fractional Calculus to Viscoelasticity1983/06/01English1,255
Flows of Materials with Yield1987/07/01English1,006
Linear Viscoelasticity at the Gel Point of a Crosslinking PDMS with Imbalanced Stoichiometry1987/11/01English927
Shear‐Thickening (“Dilatancy”) in Suspensions of Nonaggregating Solid Particles Dispersed in Newtonian Liquids1989/02/01English891
New measures for characterizing nonlinear viscoelasticity in large amplitude oscillatory shear2008/11/01English724
On the Fractional Calculus Model of Viscoelastic Behavior1986/02/01English723
The rheology of solutions of associating polymers: Comparison of experimental behavior with transient network theory1993/07/01English647
Viscosity, granular‐temperature, and stress calculations for shearing assemblies of inelastic, frictional disks1986/10/01English593
Molecular constitutive equations for a class of branched polymers: The pom-pom polymer1998/01/01English570
Yield Stress Measurement for Concentrated Suspensions1983/08/01English550
Rheology of Suspensions in Polymeric Liquids1985/12/01English467
Shear thickening, frictionless and frictional rheologies in non-Brownian suspensions2014/09/10English450
A Nonlinear Network Viscoelastic Model1978/06/01English404
Elasto-capillary thinning and breakup of model elastic liquids2001/01/01English402
Wall Slip in Viscous Fluids and Influence of Materials of Construction1986/04/01English395
Wall Slip Corrections for Couette and Parallel Disk Viscometers1988/01/01English395
Shear‐Induced Structure in a Concentrated Suspension of Solid Spheres1980/12/01English395
Microscopic theory of linear, entangled polymer chains under rapid deformation including chain stretch and convective constraint release2003/09/01English393
Direct Yield Stress Measurement with the Vane Method1985/06/01English392
Viscosity bifurcation in thixotropic, yielding fluids2002/05/01English358
Curvilinear flows of noncolloidal suspensions: The role of normal stresses1999/09/01English357
Reversible shear thickening in monodisperse and bidisperse colloidal dispersions1996/09/01English354
A geometrical interpretation of large amplitude oscillatory shear response2005/05/01English329
Aging and rheology in soft materials2000/03/01English319
A Rheological Equation of State for Semiconcentrated Fiber Suspensions1984/06/01English318
“Fifty-cent rheometer” for yield stress measurements: From slump to spreading flow2005/05/01English311
Wall slip of molten high density polyethylenes. II. Capillary rheometer studies1992/05/01English297
Orthotropic closure approximations for flow-induced fiber orientation1995/11/01English294
Wall Slip and Extrudate Distortion in Linear Low‐Density Polyethylene1987/11/01English293