Administrative Theory & Praxis

Title Publication Date Language Citations
Notes from the Margin: Race, Relevance and the Making of Public Administration2006/07/01English24
Learning to Play the "Pea and Thimble" Charade-the Invisible and Very Visible Hands in the Neo-Liberal Project: Towards a Manifesto for Reflexive Consciousness in Public Administration2006/07/01English23
The New Public Management in Australia2000/06/01English23
Street-level morality at the digital frontlines: An ethnographic study of moral mediation in welfare work2020/06/25English22
Detecting empathy in public organizations: Creating a more relational public administration2019/12/14English22
Narrative in the Time of Trump: Is the Narrative Policy Framework good enough to be relevant?2020/04/02English21
Philanthropy and Governance2006/12/01English21
Public Administration and The Myth of Positivism: The Antichrist'S View2005/05/01English21
Changing Paradigms in Public Service Management1999/12/01English21
Addressing Network Governance Through the Concepts of Governmentality and Normalization2004/05/01English21
Resisting the Ascendancy of Public Management: Normative Theory and Public Administration2000/03/01English20
Borders in an (In) Visible World: Revisiting Communities, Recognizing Gulags2004/05/01English20
Administering Biology: How “Bathroom Bills” Criminalize and Stigmatize Trans and Gender Nonconforming People in Public Space2019/09/10English20
Developing a Citizen Perspective of Public Participation: Identity Construction as Citizen Motivation to Participate2016/07/02English19
Government and Public Administration: Challenges to and Need For Connecting Knowledge2005/05/01English19
Responding to "Natural" Disasters: The Ethical Implications of the Voluntary State2007/01/01English19
The Death of the Practitioner2006/07/01English19
Feminist Praxis: Administering for a Multicultural, Multigendered Public2004/05/01English19
Approaches to Decentralization and Local Autonomy: A Critical Appraisal2004/05/01English18
Sense of community responsibility at the forefront of crisis management2020/05/14English18
Pregnancy as Project: Organizing Reproduction2001/10/01English18
The Virtues of Administration: Values and the Practice of Public Service2015/01/02English17
Mass casualty event scenarios and political shifts: 2020 election outcomes and the U.S. COVID-19 pandemic2020/04/02English17
Organizational Legitimacy and Managerialism Within Social Justice Nonprofit Organizations: An Interest Divergence Analysis2019/06/08English17
Developing a model of empathy for public administration2019/12/17English17
Public Administration and the Separation of Powers in a Cross-Atlantic Perspective2000/06/01English17
Critical Dialogue and Discussions of Race in the Public Administration Classroom2016/10/01English17
Against the Cult(ure) of the Entrepreneur for the Nonprofit Sector2016/01/02English17
The role of empathy in organizational communication during times of crisis2020/10/16English16
Human Resource Management Reform in the Korean Civil Service2000/06/01English16