IEEE Transactions on Plasma Science

Title Publication Date Language Citations
Optimizing ITER Bolometer Cameras in View of Internal Reflections and Crosstalk Between Channels2024/01/01
An Augmented Multiphase Rail Launcher With a Modular Design: Extended Setup and Muzzle Fed Operation2024/01/01
Double Layers and Solitary Structures Observed in Ion Acoustic Mode Around Critical Regime and Its Possible Precursory Mechanism2024/01/01
Two-Dimensional Model of Supersonic Expansion Argon Plasma in Micro Hollow Cathode Discharge: A Comparison of Maxwellian and Non-Maxwellian EEDFs2024/01/01
Stability and Reliability Analysis of High-Power Magnet Power Supply Based on Long Pulse Operation of CRAFT2024/01/01
Field Modulations of Ion Acoustic Waves in Plasma With Vasyliunas–Schamel Distributed Electrons2024/01/01
Application of an Artificial Neural Networks Model for Prediction of Instability Phenomena in Low Current Vacuum Arc by Cathode Spot Model2024/01/01
Profile of Inner Magnetically Insulated Transmission Lines to Minimize Energy Loss Under MA/Cm Lineal Current Density for High-Current Pulsed-Power Accelerators2024/01/01
Qualification Activities for the DTT Divertor2024/01/01
Development of X-Ray Collimators to Identify Sources of Radiation in Devices Insulated by Large Vacuum Gaps2024/01/01
Design and Analysis of Liquid Lithium Plasma Facing Components2024/01/01
Kinematic Simulation of Divertor Remote Handling Equipment for DTT2024/01/01
Research on Temperature Compensation Method for CRAFT Dot Matrix Hall High Current Sensor2024/01/01
Implementation of a Doppler-Free Saturation Spectroscopy (DFSS) Diagnostic for Helicon Wave Electric Field Vector Measurement in Edge Plasma in DIII-D2024/01/01
Black Phosphorus-Based Surface Plasmon Resonance Biosensor for DNA Hybridization2024/01/01
Synergistic Enhancement of Thermal Conductivity Through Nano Diamond Coordinated Boron Nitride2024/01/01
Multi-Objective Bayesian Optimization for Design of Pareto-Optimal Current Drive Profiles in STEP2024/01/01
Electron Beam Acceleration Driven by Self-Generated Cherenkov Terahertz Pulse2024/01/01
A Study on Particle Trajectory Error in Finite-Element Particle-in-Cell Algorithms2024/01/01
Design Considerations to Ensure Robustness of the ITER Diagnostics Residual Gas Analyzer2024/01/01
Characterization of ROBIN Ion Source Under Volume Mode Operation Using Langmuir Probe, Cavity Ring-Down Spectroscopy, and Optical Emission Spectroscopy2024/01/01
Impact of Cathode Geometry on Negative Corona Discharge and Trichel Pulse Characteristics: A Comparative Analysis of Hyperbolic, Elliptic, and Tangent-Circular Needle Shapes2024/01/01
High-Frequency Nanosecond Pulsed Magnetic Field Generator Utilizing Stacked Spiral Coil for Subcutaneous Tumor Ablation in Vivo2024/01/01
Visualization of a Toroidal Vortex Structure Forming in the Laboratory Ball Lightning of the Gatchina Discharge2024/01/01
A 100 kA-Class Modular Power Supply for Tokamak Magnets2024/01/01
Systematic Error Analysis of Thomson Scattering System on VEST With Rotational Raman Calibration2024/01/01
Numerical Methods for Multiphysics Modeling of Plasma Due to Electrical Discharge2024/01/01
Temperature Tests of Miniature Ceramic/Antimony Hall Sensors for ITER and DEMO2024/01/01
Special issue on plasma-assisted combustion2005/02/01
IEEE Transactions on Plasma Science Information for authors2005/02/01