Journal of Anthropological Archaeology

Title Publication Date Language Citations
Early Pastoralists in East Africa: Ecological and Social Dimensions1998/06/01English66
Embodying borders: human body modification and diversity in Tiwanaku society2005/03/01English65
Formative Mexican Chiefdoms and the Myth of the “Mother Culture”2000/03/01English64
Measuring behavioural and cognitive complexity in lithic technology throughout human evolution2017/12/01English64
Grave goods from the Saint-Germain-la-Rivière burial: Evidence for social inequality in the Upper Palaeolithic2005/06/01English63
Recentering the rural: Lidar and articulated landscapes among the Maya2019/03/01English63
Bet-hedging strategies, agricultural change, and unpredictable environments: historical development of dryland agriculture in Kona, Hawaii2004/06/01English63
Little house in the jungle: The causes of variation in house size among modern Kekchi Maya1983/06/01English63
Wild at heart: Approaching Pitted Ware identity, economy and cosmology through stable isotopes in skeletal material from the Neolithic site Korsnäs in Eastern Central Sweden2008/09/01English62
The Garbage Crisis in prehistory: artefact discard patterns at the Early Natufian site of Wadi Hammeh 27 and the origins of household refuse disposal strategies2004/09/01English62
The fire stones carry: Ethnographic records and archaeological expectations for hot-rock cookery in western North America2008/12/01English61
Interpreting pachyderm single carcass sites in the African Lower and Early Middle Pleistocene record: A multidisciplinary approach to the site of Nadung’a 4 (Kenya)2006/12/01English61
Settlement Patterns, Chiefdom Variability, and the Development of Early States in North China1996/09/01English60
Putting the "Chemistry" Back into Archaeological Bone Chemistry Analysis: Modeling Potential Paleodietary Indicators1994/03/01English60
An analogy by any other name is just as analogical a commentary on the Gould-Watson dialogue1982/12/01English59
Middle Holocene hunter-gatherers of Cis-Baikal, Siberia: An overview for the new century2010/12/01English59
The children of Kaminaljuyu: Isotopic insight into diet and long distance interaction in Mesoamerica2010/06/01English59
Processing ochre in the Middle Stone Age: Testing the inference of prehistoric behaviours from actualistically derived experimental data2012/06/01English59
The Abandonment of Chaco Canyon, the Mesa Verde Migrations, and the Reorganization of the Pueblo World1995/06/01English58
Hunter-gatherer adaptations and assemblage structure1987/12/01English58
Sociopolitical network interactions: A case study of the Classic Maya2009/12/01English58
Subsistence economy and social life: A zooarchaeological view from the 300 kya central hearth at Qesem Cave, Israel2014/09/01English58
Why foragers choose acorns before salmon: Storage, mobility, and risk in aboriginal California2013/12/01English57
Migration and the Movement of Southwestern Peoples1995/06/01English57
The corporate group as an archaeological unit1982/06/01English57
Explaining the evolution of ironmaking recipes – An example from northwest Wales2010/09/01English56
Beyond identifying elites: Feasting as a means to understand early Middle Formative society on the Pacific Coast of Mexico2007/03/01English55
Patterns in Caves: Foragers, Horticulturists, and the Use of Space2000/09/01English55
The Depopulation of the Northern San Juan: Conditions in the Turbulent 1200s1995/06/01English55
The study of ethnicity in historical archaeology1982/06/01English55