Time perspectives, palimpsests and the archaeology of time | 2007/06/01 | English | 464 |
Early hominid hunting, butchering, and carcass-processing behaviors: Approaches to the fossil record | 1983/03/01 | English | 356 |
Energy source, protein metabolism, and hunter-gatherer subsistence strategies | 1983/03/01 | English | 321 |
Bone density and differential survivorship of fossil classes | 1984/12/01 | English | 291 |
Approaches to style in lithic archaeology | 1982/03/01 | English | 250 |
The study of material culture today: Toward an anthropology of technical systems | 1986/06/01 | English | 227 |
Cultural transmission, copying errors, and the generation of variation in material culture and the archaeological record | 2005/12/01 | English | 219 |
Human ancestors: Changing views of their behavior | 1985/12/01 | English | 218 |
Diet choice, risk, and food sharing in a stochastic environment | 1986/12/01 | English | 214 |
Where the garbage goes: Refuse disposal in the Maya Highlands | 1983/06/01 | English | 195 |
Social networks and information: Non-“utilitarian” mobility among hunter-gatherers | 2006/06/01 | English | 190 |
Middle paleolithic symbolism: A review of current evidence and interpretations | 1987/09/01 | English | 186 |
Declines in Mammalian Foraging Efficiency during the Late Holocene, San Francisco Bay, California | 1994/12/01 | English | 185 |
Variability in bone assemblage formation from Hadza hunting, scavenging, and carcass processing | 1988/12/01 | English | 173 |
Hunter-gatherer economic complexity and “population pressure”: A cross-cultural analysis | 1988/12/01 | English | 167 |
The Broad Spectrum Revolution at 40: Resource diversity, intensification, and an alternative to optimal foraging explanations | 2012/09/01 | English | 167 |
The Roasted and the Boiled: Food Composition and Heat Treatment with Special Emphasis on Pit-Hearth Cooking | 1997/03/01 | English | 154 |
Shepherds and sediments: Geo-ethnoarchaeology of pastoral sites | 1992/03/01 | English | 153 |
Driven by drink: The role of drinking in the political economy and the case of Early Iron Age France | 1990/12/01 | English | 142 |
Reconsidering the behavioral basis for style: A case study among the Kalahari San | 1984/09/01 | English | 133 |
Mobility Strategies in the Late Middle Palaeolithic of Central Europe and Western Europe: Elements of Stability and Variability | 1993/09/01 | English | 128 |
Household possessions and wealth in agrarian states: Implications for archaeology | 1987/12/01 | English | 120 |
The archaeological study of neighborhoods and districts in ancient cities | 2010/06/01 | English | 115 |
The Ethnoarchaeology of Juvenile Foragers: Shellfishing Strategies among Meriam Children | 2000/12/01 | English | 115 |
Explaining Global Patterns of Language Diversity | 1998/12/01 | English | 111 |
Percussion tools in Olduvai Beds I and II (Tanzania): Implications for early human activities | 2005/06/01 | English | 111 |
Hunter–gatherer movement patterns: Causes and constraints | 2009/06/01 | English | 109 |
The Age of Clay: The Social Dynamics of House Destruction | 1997/12/01 | English | 109 |
Large Mammal Relative Abundance in Pithouse and Pueblo Period Archaeofaunas from Southwestern New Mexico: Resource Depression among the Mimbres-Mogollon? | 2000/09/01 | English | 108 |
Water Flow and the Formation of Early Pleistocene Artifact Sites in Olduvai Gorge, Tanzania | 1994/09/01 | English | 105 |