IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics

Title Publication Date Language Citations
Matrix converter modulation strategies: a new general approach based on space-vector representation of the switch state2002/04/01189
Steady-state analysis of an interleaved boost converter with coupled inductors2000/01/01188
Comparison of current control techniques for active filter applications1998/01/01186
Observers for flux estimation in induction machines1988/01/01182
An adaptive hysteresis-band current control technique of a voltage-fed PWM inverter for machine drive system1990/01/01178
Global minimum-jerk trajectory planning of robot manipulators2000/01/01178
A novel three-phase utility interface minimizing line current harmonics of high-power telecommunications rectifier modules1997/01/01177
An optimal fuzzy PID controller2001/01/01168
Modeling of permanent magnet motor drives1988/01/01159
Road traffic sign detection and classification1997/01/01157
An overview of power electronics in electric vehicles1997/01/01156
The analysis and compensation of dead-time effects in PWM inverters1991/04/01152
Design of a contactless battery charger for cellular phone2001/01/01152
Experimental fault-tolerant control of a PMSM drive2000/01/01149
Loss minimization control of permanent magnet synchronous motor drives1994/01/01148
Theory and applications of neural networks for industrial control systems1992/01/01148
The detection of inter-turn short circuits in the stator windings of operating motors2000/01/01148
Residential photovoltaic energy storage system1998/06/01144
The application of chaotic oscillators to weak signal detection1999/04/01142
Minimization of torque ripple in SRM drives2002/01/01140
Speed control of two-inertia system by PI/PID control2000/06/01140
Propulsion system design of electric and hybrid vehicles1997/01/01138
A general algorithm for speed and position estimation of AC motors2000/01/01134
Robust independent joint controller design for industrial robot manipulators1991/01/01131
A recurrent neural-network-based real-time learning control strategy applying to nonlinear systems with unknown dynamics1998/01/01131
Modeling of multilevel converters1997/06/01129
Modeling and nonlinear control of magnetic levitation systems2001/01/01128
The discontinuous conduction mode Sepic and Cuk power factor preregulators: analysis and design1997/01/01127
Robust servosystem design with two degrees of freedom and its application to novel motion control of robot manipulators1993/01/01127
Switched reluctance generators and their control2002/01/01125