IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics

Title Publication Date Language Citations
Sequence-Admittance Measurement Method of Grid-Connected Inverter With Its Control System Disturbance2023/08/01
PV Grid-Connected Inverter With DC Voltage Regulation in CCM and VCM Operation to Reduce Switching Losses2023/11/01
An Improved Photovoltaic Power Reserve Control With Rapid Real-Time Available Power Estimation and Drift Avoidance2023/11/01
Decentralized Control for a Multiactive Bridge Converter2023/11/01
Interleaved Boost-Integrated LC Series Resonant Converter With Frequency-Free Designed Transformer for Wide Voltage Range Applications2023/08/01
A VSC-Based Isolated Matrix-Type AC/DC Converter Without Bidirectional Power Switches2023/12/01
Predictive Position Control With System Constraints for PMSM Drives Based on Geometric Optimization2023/08/01
A New Virtual Oscillator-Based Grid-Forming Controller with Decoupled Control Over Individual Phases and Improved Performance of Unbalanced Fault Ride-Through2023/12/01
Coordinate Transformation-Based Nonlinear Power Decoupling Control for Differential Buck Grid-Tied Inverter2023/12/01
Dual-Vector-Based Predictive Torque Control for Fault-Tolerant Inverter-Fed Induction Motor Drives With Adaptive Switching Instant2023/12/01
Performance Improvement of Nonlinear Flux Observer for Sensorless Control of PMSM2023/12/01
Analysis and Design Guidelines of the Isolated Modular Multilevel DC–DC Converter With the Impact of Magnetizing Inductance2023/12/01
Modified Transformerless Series-Connected Current Source Converter Without Series-Connected Switches2023/12/01
An Improved Modulation Scheme of Isolated Matrix Converter for Common-Mode Voltage Reduction and DC-Bias Current Mitigation2023/12/01
Nonlinear Damping Output-Feedback Voltage Control for DC/DC Converters via Model-Independent Voltage Derivative Observer2023/08/01
A Reconstructed Singular Return Ratio Matrix for Optimizing Design of the PLL in Grid-Connected Inverters2023/12/01
Ultra-Low Reactive Power Operation and Control Strategy of Hybrid Line Commutated Converter Based on IGCT for HVdc Application2023/12/01
A Single-Actuator Four-Finger Adaptive Gripper for Robotic Assembly2023/12/01
A Centralized Battery Energy Storage-Based Medium-Voltage Multiwinding DVC for Balance and Unbalance Operations2023/12/01
Sensorless Capacitor Voltage Detection Method of Cascaded H-Bridge STATCOM Based on Special Switching Mode Identification2023/12/01
Table of Contents2023/05/01
An Input-Series Output-Series Noninverting Buck–Boost Converter for 1500 V DC Bus With Wide Input and Output Voltage Ranges2023/11/01
A Novel SEPIC-Ćuk-Based High Gain Solar PV Microinverter for Grid Integration2023/12/01
Soft Magnetic Skin's Deformation Analysis for Tactile Perception2023/12/01
Unified Active Damping Strategy Based on Generalized Virtual Impedance in LCL-Type Grid-Connected Inverter2023/08/01
IEEE Industrial Electronics Society Information2023/05/01
Achieving Rated Power and ZVS for Dual Active Bridge Converter Considering the Interaction of Nonidealities2023/08/01
Frequency Tracking Method and Compensation Parameters Optimization to Improve Capacitor Deviation Tolerance of the Wireless Power Transfer System2023/12/01
IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics Information for Authors2023/05/01
A Multi-Frequency PCCM ZVS Modulation Scheme for Optimizing Overall Efficiency of Four-Switch Buck–Boost Converter With Wide Input and Output Voltage Ranges2023/12/01