Journal of Applied Statistics

Title Publication Date Language Citations
Beta Regression for Modelling Rates and Proportions2004/08/01English1,669
A general methodology for bootstrapping in non-parametric frontier models2000/08/01English706
A new unit root test with two structural breaks in level and slope at unknown time2010/09/01English486
Scale-space theory: a basic tool for analyzing structures at different scales1994/01/01English409
Robustness of partial least-squares method for estimating latent variable quality structures1999/05/01English373
A method of choosing multiway partitions for classification and decision trees1991/01/01English316
Maximum entropy sampling1987/01/01English279
Multistate recapture models: Modelling incomplete individual histories2002/01/01English269
An R2 statistic for fixed effects in the generalized linear mixed model2016/06/08English266
Ordered quantile normalization: a semiparametric transformation built for the cross-validation era2019/06/15English241
A generalized normal distribution2005/09/01English237
Comparison of Akaike information criterion and consistent Akaike information criterion for model selection and statistical inference from capture-recapture studies1998/04/01English197
The estimation ofR2and adjustedR2in incomplete data sets using multiple imputation2009/09/24English189
Loading and correlations in the interpretation of principle compenents1995/01/01English189
Factor recovery by principal axis factoring and maximum likelihood factor analysis as a function of factor pattern and sample size2012/04/01English178
The use of multi-state capture-recapture models to address questions in evolutionary ecology1995/11/01English175
The use of the ARDL approach in estimating virtual exchange rates in India2001/07/01English173
A simple investigation of the Granger-causality test in integrated-cointegrated VAR systems2000/11/01English172
Random field models in image analysis1989/01/01English171
Interpretation of Kappa and B statistics measures of agreement1997/02/01English151
The relative performance of ensemble methods with deep convolutional neural networks for image classification2018/02/26English149
On the use of secondary capture-recapture samples to estimate temporary emigration and breeding proportions1995/11/01English146
Simplicity out of complexity in environmental modelling: Occam's razor revisited1996/06/01English142
Jarque–Bera Test and its Competitors for Testing Normality – A Power Comparison2007/01/01English142
Split-plot designs for robust product experimentation1992/01/01English142
Evaluation of some random effects methodology applicable to bird ringing data2002/01/01English141
Repetitive group sampling procedure for variables inspection2006/04/01English140
Problems of inference for Azzalini's skewnormal distribution2000/09/01English137
Treating unobserved heterogeneity in PLS path modeling: a comparison of FIMIX-PLS with different data analysis strategies2010/08/01English137
Acceptance sampling based on life tests: Log-logistic model2001/01/01English134