Reception -- a new humanism? Receptivity, pedagogy, the transhistorical | 2013/05/14 | English | 16 |
Re-rooting the classical tradition: new directions in black classicism | 2009/01/01 | English | 12 |
Hyperion's symposium: an erotics of reception | 2010/01/01 | English | 10 |
Early Modern Antigones: Receptions, Refractions, Replays | 2013/08/09 | English | 7 |
'The most ancient Boundary between England and Scotland': Genealogies of the Roman Walls | 2010/01/01 | English | 6 |
Cinematic receptions of antiquity: the current state of play | 2010/01/01 | English | 5 |
Pausanias as historian in Winckelmann's History | 2010/10/29 | English | 5 |
Afterword: Omni-Local Classical Receptions | 2013/11/12 | English | 5 |
Freud and tragedy: Oedipus and the gender of the universal | 2012/08/27 | English | 5 |
Women's writing and the classical tradition | 2012/11/01 | English | 5 |
'We're here too, the ones without names.' A study of female voices as imagined by Margaret Atwood, Carol Ann Duffy, and Marguerite Yourcenar | 2012/11/01 | English | 4 |
Lingua Lictoria: the Latin Literature of Italian Fascism | 2015/05/22 | English | 4 |
Homer and Greek tragedy in early modern England's theatres: an introduction | 2016/12/28 | English | 4 |
‘There is another story’: writing after the Odyssey in Margaret Atwood’s The Penelopiad | 2017/12/14 | English | 4 |
From Uranians to Homosexuals: Philhellenism, Greek Homoeroticism and Gay Emancipation in Germany 1835-1915 | 2010/01/01 | English | 4 |
Pausanias and his commentator Sir James George Frazer | 2010/10/29 | English | 4 |
'Ancient Greek Culture and Myth in the Terra Mitica Theme Park' | 2014/08/13 | English | 4 |
The making of a democratic symbol: the case of Socrates in North-American popular media, 1941-56 | 2011/05/01 | English | 4 |
Britain in the classical world: Samuel Lysons and the art of Roman Britain 1780-1820 | 2013/12/03 | English | 3 |
The myth of return: restoration as reception in eighteenth-century Rome | 2011/05/01 | English | 3 |
Hellenism, philhellenism and classical reception: commemorating the 1821 revolution | 2021/10/01 | English | 3 |
The youth of antiquity: reception, homosexuality, alterity | 2019/08/22 | English | 3 |
Political displacement at the point of reception | 2015/10/28 | English | 3 |
Science fiction and classical reception in contemporary women's writing | 2012/11/01 | English | 3 |
'Love and blackmail': Demeter and Persephone | 2012/11/01 | English | 3 |
Assemblage theory and the uses of classical reception: the case of Aristotle Knowsley’s Oedipus | 2019/09/28 | English | 3 |
Blaming the late republic: senatorial ideology and republican institutions in late antiquity | 2014/12/16 | English | 3 |
Authoring within history: the legacy of Roman politics in Hannah Arendt | 2014/12/16 | English | 3 |
PostcolonialSparagmos: Toni Morrison’sSulaand Wole Soyinka’sThe Bacchae of Euripides: A Communion Rite | 2015/05/07 | English | 3 |
A study in reception: the British debates over Aristophanes' politics and influence | 2009/01/01 | English | 3 |