Physics Letters A

Title Publication Date Language Citations
Ising model on a dynamical planar random lattice: Exact solution1986/12/01English291
A fast algorithm to determine fractal dimensions by box counting1989/11/01English291
Exponential stability of delayed recurrent neural networks with Markovian jumping parameters2006/08/01English290
KKL correlation for simulation of nanofluid flow and heat transfer in a permeable channel2014/10/01English288
Mechanical and electronic properties of monolayer MoS2 under elastic strain2012/02/01English287
Simultaneous wave and particle knowledge in a neutron interferometer1988/04/01English286
The direct observation of individual flux lines in type II superconductors1967/05/01English286
A uniqueness theorem for fluid pair correlation functions1974/09/01English283
A generalized -expansion method for the mKdV equation with variable coefficients2008/03/01English279
Gravitation and quantum-mechanical localization of macro-objects1984/10/01English277
Some new integrable nonlinear evolution equations in 2 + 1 dimensions1984/04/01English277
Nonequilibrium phase transitions in coordinated biological motion: critical fluctuations1986/10/01English273
On the theory of electromagnetic radiation of charged particles in a crystal1976/05/01English272
Singularities in conformally flat spacetimes1977/11/01English272
Numerical simulation of magnetic nanofluid natural convection in porous media2017/02/01English272
Ranking spreaders by decomposing complex networks2013/06/01English271
Functionalization of monolayer MoS2 by substitutional doping: A first-principles study2013/08/01English271
Temperature- and thickness-dependent electrical conductivity of few-layer graphene and graphene nanosheets2015/10/01English269
Dirac and Klein–Gordon equations with equal scalar and vector potentials2006/01/01English267
Vector financial rogue waves2011/11/01English266
Homotopy perturbation method for nonlinear partial differential equations of fractional order2007/06/01English265
Application of the -expansion method for nonlinear evolution equations2008/05/01English261
Viscous universes1987/03/01English260
New criteria for synchronization stability of general complex dynamical networks with coupling delays2006/12/01English255
Intrinsic limits on dimension calculations1988/11/01English253
Homogeneous NEMD algorithm for thermal conductivity—Application of non-canonical linear response theory1982/10/01English251
A necessary condition for double scroll attractor existence in fractional-order systems2007/07/01English247
A fast image encryption scheme based on chaotic standard map2008/04/01English247
Significant thermal conductivity enhancement for nanofluids containing graphene nanosheets2011/03/01English245
Geometrical explanation of the fractional complex transform and derivative chain rule for fractional calculus2012/01/01English244