Applied Economics Letters

Title Publication Date Language Citations
A counter evidence for the Lazear-Moore findings: an empirical study of incentive part in the wage structure in Japan1997/06/01English
On the lags between submission and acceptance: are all referees created equal?2001/06/01English
The dynamic effects of aggregate supply and demand disturbances: further evidence2000/01/01English
A note on generality of the Cagan model for money demand1999/12/01English
Modelling the risk premium in the black-market zloty-dollar exchange rate1999/04/01English
Uncertain central bankers' preferences: some implications of multiplicative versus additive uncertainty2000/12/01English
Does less workload lead to more family educational care? Evidence from rural China2024/02/20English
Sampling errors and the substitution between white-collar and blue-collar workers1994/10/01English
Asset reallocation with interest rate swaps1995/02/01English
On the welfare gain from stabilizing cyclical fluctuations2001/05/01English
Inflation pressure and European unemployment2001/01/01English
A note to Jaume Puig Junoy and Angel Lopez Nicolas, Assessing health care infrastructure at the regional level: a statistical approach. Applied Economics Letters, 1995, 2, 463-62001/03/01English
Seasonal adjustment and cointegrating relationships: consumption and income2000/08/01English
Equilibrium models of asset pricing with progressive taxation and tax evasion1995/11/01English
The area monotonic solution in dynamic negotiations2001/09/01English
On the extinction of species in jointly determined stochastic systems2000/09/01English
A comment on some recent estimates of economies of scale in higher education1995/07/01English
Motivations that underlie the subscription prices in common stocks rights offerings: public utilities1996/03/01English
Adding up constraints and gross substitution in portfolio models1998/08/01English
The Euribor rate: a forecasting exercise based on fractional integration2023/09/15English
Fiscal policy for stabilization during the COVID-19 crisis: the role of social spending2023/09/15English
Labour productivity convergence in the Czech Republic2023/09/15English
Deriving technology indicators from corporate websites: a comparative assessment using patents2023/08/14English
Market integration and consumer spending2023/09/11English
Sample selection models with common endogeneity in the selection and outcome: revisiting the family gap2023/08/11English
How do repeated data breaches affect firm policies?2023/09/12English
Disaster relief and regional employment: the case of the Great East Japan Earthquake2023/09/12English
The drug overdose death epidemic: evidence from U.S. Counties2023/09/12English
Group size uncertainty in common pool resource dilemmas2023/09/11English
The effect of income on satisfaction with spouse’s economic contribution in China2023/09/12English