Journal of the Mechanical Behavior of Biomedical Materials

Title Publication Date Language Citations
Numerical optimization of open-porous bone scaffold structures to match the elastic properties of human cortical bone2014/09/01English155
Promising characteristics of gradient porosity Ti-6Al-4V alloy prepared by SLM process2017/05/01English154
Thermal behavior and mechanical properties of physically crosslinked PVA/Gelatin hydrogels2010/02/01English154
Mechanical characterization of brain tissue in tension at dynamic strain rates2014/05/01English153
A robust anisotropic hyperelastic formulation for the modelling of soft tissue2014/11/01English151
Microstructure, mechanical properties, biocorrosion behavior, and cytotoxicity of as-extruded Mg–Nd–Zn–Zr alloy with different extrusion ratios2012/05/01English151
Transversely isotropic tensile material properties of skeletal muscle tissue2010/01/01English151
Mechanical reliability, fatigue strength and survival analysis of new polycrystalline translucent zirconia ceramics for monolithic restorations2018/09/01English147
The effect of post-sintering treatments on the fatigue and biological behavior of Ti-6Al-4V ELI parts made by selective laser melting2017/07/01English146
Low-temperature degradation of Y-TZP ceramics: A systematic review and meta-analysis2016/03/01English145
Mechanical evaluation of bacterial nanocellulose as an implant material for ear cartilage replacement2013/06/01English144
Relationships between mechanical properties and drug release from electrospun fibers of PCL and PLGA blends2017/01/01English144
Bio-mimetic mechanisms of natural hierarchical materials: A review2013/03/01English142
Mechanical properties of the abdominal wall and biomaterials utilized for hernia repair2017/10/01English140
3D-printing zirconia implants; a dream or a reality? An in-vitro study evaluating the dimensional accuracy, surface topography and mechanical properties of printed zirconia implant and discs2017/11/01English140
Carbon fiber reinforced PEEK Optima—A composite material biomechanical properties and wear/debris characteristics of CF-PEEK composites for orthopedic trauma implants2013/01/01English139
Mechanical properties and the laminate structure of Arapaima gigas scales2011/10/01English139
Characterization of multi-principal-element (TiZrNbHfTa)N and (TiZrNbHfTa)C coatings for biomedical applications2012/06/01English139
Advances in zirconia toughened alumina biomaterials for total joint replacement2014/03/01English138
Mechanical characterization of brain tissue in simple shear at dynamic strain rates2013/12/01English135
Variability and anisotropy of mechanical behavior of cortical bone in tension and compression2013/05/01English135
3D multi-channel bi-functionalized silk electrospun conduits for peripheral nerve regeneration2015/01/01English135
Fibre-reinforced calcium phosphate cements: A review2011/11/01English135
Mechanical properties of alginate hydrogels manufactured using external gelation2014/08/01English134
Fatigue of Nitinol: The state-of-the-art and ongoing challenges2015/10/01English134
An anisotropic, hyperelastic model for skin: Experimental measurements, finite element modelling and identification of parameters for human and murine skin2013/02/01English132
Composite electrospun gelatin fiber-alginate gel scaffolds for mechanically robust tissue engineered cornea2013/05/01English132
Mechanical forces in cerebral cortical folding: A review of measurements and models2014/01/01English132
Finite element analysis of mechanical behavior, permeability and fluid induced wall shear stress of high porosity scaffolds with gyroid and lattice-based architectures2017/11/01English132
Deformation rate controls elasticity and unfolding pathway of single tropocollagen molecules2009/04/01English131