Nordisk kulturpolitisk tidsskrift

Title Publication Date Language Citations
ABM-utviklings vekst og fall2019/12/11Norwegian5
Aesthetic reading as a problem in mid-20 th centurySwedish educational policy2020/06/11Norwegian5
Offentliga bibliotek som arena för aktivism2020/12/11English5
Finnish cultural policy as public funding: Regime view across policy domains2022/11/25Norwegian3
Results-based steering as a tool for centralizedart policy management and instrumentalization? Analysis of the Finnish ArtsCouncil’s reformation2020/12/11English3
Negative Cultural Policy: Tools, Elementsand Analytical Potential2020/12/11English3
Digital kulturpolitikk2020/06/11Norwegian3
«Relevant for livet og skolekvardagen». En analyse av relevansbegrepets inntog i Den kulturelle skolesekken2022/05/20Norwegian3
Kultur for barn – en lek blant voksne?2022/05/20Norwegian2
Den som sa det han var det. En kritisk blick på Johan Sundeens och Roger Blomgrens ”Offentliga bibliotek som arena för aktivism”.2022/05/20Norwegian2
Nordic research on cultural policy in retrospect: The Nordic Journal of Cultural Policy2022/05/20Norwegian2
The Moral Outlooks of Cultural Workers in Pandemic Times2022/08/12Norwegian2
“Missing out on culture—or not: Danes and Finns’ cultural participation, the pandemic, and cultural policy measures”2022/08/12Norwegian2
Lost in Translation – How Policy EnactmentGet Stuck in the Digital Fix2019/12/11Norwegian2
Culture as an Instrument2020/12/11English2
Läsning för framtidens samhällsmedborgare: en studie av dåtidens och nutidens svenska kulturpolitiska debatter om barns läsning2021/12/14English2
The Political-Aesthetics of Participation: A Critical Reading of Iceland’s National Cultural Policy2021/12/14English1
Musikindustrin och musikpolitiken i Sverige 1919–20192021/12/14English1
Private kunstdonasjoner og lokal politikk: Kontroversene rundt etablering av skulpturpark på Ekeberg i Oslo2021/12/14English1
Towards a new historical context for the understanding of cultural policy, or, the common enterprise of French Surrealist André Breton and Swedish Minister of Culture Ragnar Edenman2021/12/14English1
“For the support of artistically superior films”: The State Film Prize Committee and the formative years of a quality-directed Swedish film policy 1960–19632021/12/14English1
The consequences of the Covid-19 pandemic on Nordic cultural policy2022/12/14English1
Begrunnelser for lokal kreativ næring: Instrumentellkulturpolitikk som tilslørende begrep2020/12/11English1
Bonding and bridging: Social cohesion in collaborative cultural practices in shared local spaces2023/05/15Danish1
Income changes for Norwegian artists during the pandemic2022/08/12Norwegian1
Da Covid-19 traff den nordiske kultursektoren2022/08/12Norwegian1
Vil covid-19 udfordre den danske teaterstruktur?2022/08/12Norwegian1
En serie redaktionellt sanktionerade insinuationer2022/05/20Norwegian1
En digitalt utvidet kulturstatistikk. Måling av digital kulturbruk blant barn og unge2022/05/20Norwegian1
Will the EU’s directive on copyright in the digital market change the power balance of the music industry? Views from Norway2022/05/20Norwegian1