
Title Publication Date Language Citations
Effects of the non-Newtonian viscosity of blood on flows in a diseased arterial vessel. Part 1: Steady flows1991/06/0120
Fifty years of brain tissue mechanical testing: From in vitro to in vivo investigations2010/01/019
Simulation of non-Newtonian blood flow in an end-to-side anastomosis1994/10/017
The mechanism of rapid starting of slender fish11973/09/015
Velocity distribution and other characteristics of steady and pulsatile blood flow in fine glass tubes11970/12/015
Biophysical chemistry of cartilaginous tissues with special reference to solute and fluid transport11975/08/015
A Couette viscometer for short time shearing of blood1980/12/015
Rethinking turbulence in blood2009/01/014
Linear viscoelastic properties of bovine brain tissue in shear1997/11/124
Spinability of bronchial mucus. Relationship with viscoelasticity and mucous transport properties11983/04/014
Frequency and shear rate dependence of viscoelasticity of human blood121973/09/014
Evaluation of a transparent blood analog fluid: Aqueous Xanthan gum/glycerin1993/04/014
Rheological hysteresis of blood at low shear rate11980/12/014
The role of mucus viscoelasticity in cough clearance1987/12/013
“Shear induced platelet activation” - A critical reappraisal1985/10/013
Note from Dr. G.W. Scott Blair1972/06/013
Pulsatile flow of Casson’s fluid through stenosed arteries with applications to blood flow1986/10/013
Structure and rheology of gelatin and collagen gels1993/08/013
Rheological parameters for the viscosity viscoelasticity and thixotropy of blood11979/08/013
Cellular deformability of normoxic and hypoxic mammalian red blood cells1994/02/013
A constitutive equation for whole human blood1976/06/013
Influence of hematocrit on erythrocyte aggregation kinetics for suspensions of red blood cells in autologous plasma1994/04/013
An approximate Casson fluid model for tube flow of blood11975/06/013
Mechanical characterization and properties of gastrointestinal mucus gel1987/12/013
A rheological model for studying the hematocrit dependence of red cell-red cell and red cell-protein interactions in blood11981/12/013
Nitric oxide, vasodilation and the red blood cell2014/01/013
Dynamic compressive behavior of human meniscus correlates with its extra-cellular matrix composition2009/01/013
Comparison and simulation of different levels of erythrocyte aggregation with pig, horse, sheep, calf, and normal human blood1996/07/10English3
Low Reynolds number turbulence modeling of blood flow in arterial stenoses1998/07/01English2
Deformability of red blood cells from different species studied by resistive pulse shape analysis technique1996/03/01English2