Australian Archaeology

Title Publication Date Language Citations
A history of Aboriginal heritage legislation in south-eastern Australia2000/01/01English19
The Keppel Islands - Preliminary Investigations1980/12/01English19
BEVELLING BUNGWALL BASHERS: A use-wear study from southeast Queensland1982/06/01English19
A Pleistocene Date from an Occupation Deposit in the Pilbara Region, Western Australia1980/06/01English19
Charcoals as indicators of ancient tree and fuel strategies: An application of anthracology in the Australian Midwest2013/12/01English19
Bradshaws: The view from Arnhem Land1997/01/01English18
Dating the evidence for agricultural change in the highlands of New Guinea: The last 2000 years1998/01/01English18
Fishing for Facts. Can We Reconstruct Fishing Methods from Archaeological Evidence?1987/06/01English18
SOIL TEMPERATURE MONITORING AT LAKE MUNGO: Implications for racemisation dating1984/12/01English18
An Experimental Evaluation of the Criteria used to Distinguish Owl-Deposited Bone in Archaeological Cave Deposits in Australia1986/06/01English18
Radiocarbon Dates for a Shell Fishhook and Disc From Mazie Bay, North Keppel Island1981/06/01English18
Calculation of the ‘Marine Reservoir Effect’ from the Dating of Shell-Charcoal Paired Samples from an Aboriginal Midden on Great Glennie Island, Bass Strait1983/12/01English18
Maliwawa figures—a previously undescribed Arnhem Land rock art style2020/09/01English17
The effect of retouch intensity on mid to late Holocene unifacial and bifacial points from the Kimberley2017/05/04English17
Mapping the shape of contemporary Australian archaeology: Implications for archaeology teaching and learning2005/01/01English17
Size Isn’t Everything. Shells In Mounds, Middens And Natural Deposits1994/01/01English17
Biogeography, Human Ecology And Prehistory In The Sandridge Deserts1993/01/01English17
To Make A Point: Ethnographic Reality and the Ethnographic and Experimental Replication Of Australian Macroblades Known as Leilira2007/06/01English17
Three Aboriginal shell mounds at Hope Inlet: Evidence for coastal, not maritime Late Holocene economies on the Beagle Gulf mainland, northern Australia2004/01/01English17
Shell Mounds In 1972 And 1992: Reflections On Recent Controversies At Ballina And Weipa1993/01/01English17
Djadjiling Rockshelter: 35,000 1 Years of Aboriginal Occupation in the Pilbara, Western Australia2010/06/01English17
New Archaeological Data from the Southern Forests Region, Tasmania: A Preliminary Statement1988/12/01English16
Caveat Excavator: A Sea Bird Midden on Steep Head Island, North West Tasmania1978/09/01English16
How 3D models (photogrammetry) of rock art can improve recording veracity: a case study from Kakadu National Park, Australia2020/05/03English16
New Radiocarbon Dates from Koolan Island, West Kimberley, WA1989/06/01English16
Pleistocene Occupation of the Arid Zone in Southeast Australia: Research Prospects for the Cooper Creek-Strzelecki Desert Region1980/06/01English16
Martujarra Prehistory: Variation in Arid Zone Adaptations1987/12/01English16
Shell artefacts from northern Cape Range Peninsula, northwest Western Australia2003/01/01English16
Phased redevelopment of an ancient Gunditjmara fish trap over the past 800 years: Muldoons Trap Complex, Lake Condah, southwestern Victoria2015/12/01English16
Trampling Through The Pleistocene: Does Taphonomy Matter at Cuddie Springs?2006/12/01English16