Journal of Combinatorial Algebra

Title Publication Date Language Citations
Stanley–Reisner rings for symmetric simplicial complexes, $G$-semimatroids and Abelian arrangements2021/10/29
Khovanskii-finite valuations, rational curves, and torus actions2020/06/25
Dual Garside structures and Coxeter sortable elements2020/06/25
Polynomially-bounded Dehn functions of groups2018/10/25
The isoperimetric spectrum of finitely presented groups2018/10/25
The monodromy of real Bethe vectors for the Gaudin model2018/08/14
Root operators, root groups and retractions2018/08/14
A partial order on bipartitions from the generalized Springer correspondence2018/08/14
Non-kissing and non-crossing complexes for locally gentle algebras2019/12/16
Presentations of categories of modules using the Cautis–Kamnitzer–Morrison principle2019/01/31
Soficity and variations on Higman’s group2019/01/31
Groups of fast homeomorphisms of the interval and the ping-pong argument2019/01/31
A new bound for smooth spline spaces2020/06/23
Rational embeddings of hyperbolic groups2021/06/14
Crystals, regularisation and the Mullineux map2022/06/21
Maximal green sequences for string algebras2022/04/06
An explicit construction of the universal division ring of fractions of $E\langle\langle x_1,\ldots, x_d\rangle \rangle$2020/12/11
Keys and Demazure crystals for Kac–Moody algebras2020/12/11
Affine hyperplane arrangements and Jordan classes2020/12/11
A DG-extension of symmetric functions arising from higher representation theory2018/05/08
The $\mathfrak{sl}_\infty$-crystal combinatorics of higher level Fock spaces2018/05/08
The canonical basis of the quantum adjoint representation2016/12/13
Kazhdan groups whose FC-radical is not virtually abelian2016/12/13
Multifraction reduction II: Conjectures for Artin–Tits groups2017/07/25
Computing fusion products of MV cycles using the Mirković–Vybornov isomorphism2023/04/28
Iterated and mixed discriminants2023/05/12
Dimension expanders via quiver representations2023/12/11
Ping-pong partitions and locally discrete groups of real-analytic circle diffeomorphisms, I: Construction2023/12/08
A uniform characterisation of the varieties of the second row of the Freudenthal–Tits magic square over arbitrary fields2023/10/10
Decomposition numbers for Rouquier blocks of Ariki–Koike algebras I2024/03/12