Anthropologischer Anzeiger

Title Publication Date Language Citations
Research on secular trends in auxology1990/09/12English80
Gender and age differences in lean soft tissue mass and sarcopenia among healthy elderly2009/06/01English63
An Association of Dominant Hand Grip Strength with Some Anthropometric Variables in Indian Collegiate Population2009/04/08English36
Pneumatized Spaces, Sinuses and Spongy Bones in the Skulls of Primates2002/04/12English36
Human ears grow throughout the entire lifetime according to complicated and sexually dimorphic patterns - conclusions from a cross-sectional analysis2007/12/12English35
Estimation of Sex from the Dimensions of Foot, Footprints, and Shoe2010/03/01English31
Origin of the human brain as a preadaptation to enhanced cognitive powers1988/12/21English30
Stature signals status: The association of stature, status and perceived dominance – a thought experiment2016/11/01English29
The haptoglobin polymorphism is not only a genetic marker1992/11/26English28
Anthropometric history: an overview of a quarter century of research2009/12/01English28
The impact of the weight status on subjective symptomatology of the Polycystic Ovary Syndrome: A cross-cultural comparison between Brazilian and Austrian women2003/09/05English27
The influence of anthropometrical and flexibility parameters on the results of breaststroke swimming2005/05/23English26
Anthropometry and strength relationship: male-female differences1998/03/24English26
Analysis of mercury levels in historical bone material from syphilitic subjects - pilot studies (short report)2012/07/01English24
An examination of the relationship between foot length, foot breadth, ball girth, height and weight of Turkish university students aged between 17 and 251997/03/01English24
Association between BMI and age at menarche in girls from different socio-economic groups2010/03/01English24
Dental Paleopathology in a Serbian Medieval Population2001/05/31English23
Prevalence of low birth weight in India and its determinants: Insights from the National Family Health Survey (NFHS), 2015–20162021/06/25English23
Hounsfield Units ranges in CT-scans of bog bodies and mummies2012/03/01English23
Function-dependent shape characteristics of the human skull2002/07/10English22
Age estimation from teeth using soft X-ray findings1993/03/16English22
Y-SNP analysis versus Y-Haplogroup Predictor in the Slovak population2014/06/01English21
Genetic and environmental factors affecting menarcheal age in Spanish women1997/03/01English21
Sex and gender differences in secular trend of body size and frame indices of Lithuanians2005/03/11English21
The Neolithic transition in Europe and North Africa. The functional craneology contribution2004/06/03English21
Gender identity and recalled gender related childhood play-behaviour in adult individuals with different forms of intersexuality2005/09/01English20
Biochemical and palaeopathological investigations on weaning and infant mortality in the early Middle Ages2000/12/13English19
As tall as my peers – similarity in body height between migrants and hosts2018/06/01English19
The impact of physical connectedness on body height in Swiss conscripts2014/11/01English19
Anthropological evaluation of left-right differences in the femur of southern African populations1991/08/28English18