Geometry & Topology

Title Publication Date Language Citations
Knot Floer homology and the four-ball genus2003/10/22English202
Khovanov’s homology for tangles and cobordisms2005/08/08English201
Notes on Perelman’s papers2008/11/06English196
Holomorphic disks and genus bounds2004/02/14English181
Compactness results in Symplectic Field Theory2003/12/04English180
Claspers and finite type invariants of links2000/01/28English164
On the classification of tight contact structures I2000/10/14English161
Matrix factorizations and link homology II2008/06/04English150
An open string analogue of Viterbo functoriality2010/02/16English110
Bounded cohomology of subgroups of mapping class groups2002/03/01English109
Heegaard Floer homology and alternating knots2003/03/24English105
The Seiberg–Witten equations and the Weinstein conjecture2007/10/15English101
On the Floer homology of plumbed three-manifolds2003/03/24English98
On the classification of gradient Ricci solitons2010/10/29English95
Non-commutative Donaldson–Thomas invariants and the conifold2008/05/24English92
Combination of convergence groups2003/12/11English88
Reflection positivity and invertible topological phases2021/05/20English87
A universal characterization of higher algebraic K-theory2013/04/18English86
The colored Jones function is q-holonomic2005/07/24English84
Asymptotic geometry of the mapping class group and Teichmüller space2006/10/21English75
FI-modules over Noetherian rings2014/12/01English74
Calculus III: Taylor Series2003/10/28English73
Geometry of contact transformations and domains: orderability versus squeezing2006/10/28English72
A cylindrical reformulation of Heegaard Floer homology2006/08/09English67
Discrete conformal maps and ideal hyperbolic polyhedra2015/07/29English66
Classical 6j-symbols and the tetrahedron1999/03/22English66
Computations of the Ozsváth–Szabó knot concordance invariant2004/05/17English64
Floer homology and surface decompositions2008/03/12English63
Orbifold quantum Riemann–Roch, Lefschetz and Serre2010/01/02English63
Group invariant Peano curves2007/07/20English62