Materials Research Letters

Title Publication Date Language Citations
Giant hardening and formation of nanograined supersaturated solid solution in Al–Zn system2023/07/12English1
Synergistic coupling of Mn-doped skeleton and Mg-toughened matrix: towards a heat-resistant Al–La–Mg–Mn alloy2024/01/21English
In-situ atomic-scale observation of dislocation and deformation twin interaction in FeMnCoCr high-entropy alloy2023/11/09English
Compositive role of TiB 2 in microstructure optimization and wear-resistant improvement of selective-laser-melted TiB2 p /CrCoFeNiMn high-entropy composite2023/10/27English
Design strategy of TiC reinforced heterogeneous Ti-composites with an induced <c + a> slip system for achieving high strength-ductility2024/02/25English
Multiple deformation mechanisms induce high work hardening in Ti–5Al–7.5 V alloy via transformed β matrix2024/02/25English
Current-carrying friction of Ag coatings by additive manufacturing: uncovering the role of electric current2024/04/24English
Tension–compression creep asymmetry in strong-textural Mg-RE alloy due to <c + a> dislocation reconfiguration2024/04/24English
A molecular dynamics study on the Mie-Grüneisen equation-of-state and high strain-rate behavior of equiatomic CoCrFeMnNi2023/11/14English
Correlating microstructure recovery to rejuvenation of high-temperature creep properties in a crept single-crystal superalloy2024/02/15English
Uncovering the role of nanoscale Si particles on  the thermal stability of  a lamellar-nanostructured Al–1%Si alloy2024/02/13English
In-situ EBSD investigation of orientation induced mechanical anisotropy in selective laser melted Al-Mn-Sc alloy2023/09/13English
Creep-induced heterogeneous precipitation of Laves phase with two morphologies in tempered martensite ferritic steels2023/05/06English
Mapping stress heterogeneity in single-crystal superalloys by novel submicron-resolved X-ray diffraction2024/04/30English
Ductilizing Mo alloys via nanoparticle-stabilized microstructural hierarchy2022/09/22English
Strain glass-induced switch from transformation plasticity to reversible superelasticity in Ti-Zr-Ni-Cu alloys2023/09/21English
Role of microscopic degrees of freedom in mechanical response of bicrystal nanopillars2023/09/06English
Oscillatory buckling reversal of a weak stripe magnetic texture2023/07/24English
The potential benefit of pseudo high thermal conductivity for laser powder bed fusion additive manufacturing2023/08/07English
Single-atomic site catalysts for electrochemical nitrogen fixation2023/06/26English
Key role of temperature on delamination in solid-state additive manufacturing via supersonic impact2023/06/26English
Heterogeneous structure architected by additive manufacturing: facile route towards strong and ductile steel2024/02/09English
Non-Schmid effects in a model refractory multi-principal element alloy: phase-field dislocation dynamics informed by atomistic simulations2024/02/09English
Progress in additive manufacturing, additive repair and fatigue evaluation of aviation titanium alloy blades2023/11/02English
Promoting direct and ultrafast precipitation of the α phase in the metastable Ti-10V-6Cu alloy2024/01/11English
Development of a novel Ti-Nb-Au superelastic alloy with exceptionally low elastic modulus2023/12/03English
800 o C-stable D0 22 superlattice in a NiCrFe-based medium entropy alloy2024/01/31English
Thermoelectric performance of SnTe nano-films depending on thickness, doping concentration and temperature2024/01/29English
Stabilization of metal(II)oxides on the nanoscale2019/11/07English
Editorial Board2017/10/25English