Lo Scalpello - Otodi Educational

Title Publication Date Language Citations
Gestione delle complicanze dell’apparato estensore nella chirurgia protesica di ginocchio2017/07/01Italian
Saluto del Presidente SVOTO2017/12/01Italian
Il ruolo della fissazione esterna come trattamento definitivo delle fratture sovracondiloidee di femore2017/03/28Italian
The treatment of proximal Humeral fractures with external fixation2017/03/28Italian
Il ruolo della fissazione esterna nel trattamento delle fratture extracapsulari del collo del femore dell’anziano2017/03/28Italian
Le fratture di avambraccio2017/03/28Italian
Tibial shaft fractures: the role of external fixation2017/03/28Italian
Fratture periprotesiche di femore: confine tra sintesi e revisione2018/02/23Italian
Fratture del femore prossimale2018/02/22Italian
Le fratture periprotesiche: scelta della sintesi nell’anca2018/02/20Italian
Trattamento della deformità di Haglund2016/12/01Italian
Strumentario chirurgico2016/12/01Italian
Principi chirurgici della tecnica mini-invasiva2016/11/16Italian
Chirurgia del piede mininvasiva e tromboprofilassi2016/11/16Italian
Tailor’s bunion: revisione della recente letteratura nelle tecniche mini-invasive2016/11/16Italian
Anestesia preoperatoria2016/11/16Italian
Trattamento dell’alluce rigido2016/11/16Italian
Unusual-massive acromioclavicular joint cyst associated with complete reabsorption of the humeral head and outcomes of long-standing surgical stabilization for recurrent dislocations: a case report2022/12/01
Acute navicular fractures: report of two cases and review of the literature2022/12/01
Uncertain predictive value of traditional diagnosis for femoroacetabular impingement in young people. Is this a pure pathology or a morphological and functional sneaky feature?2022/12/01
Routine use of ultrasound imaging to diagnose skier’s thumb. Results from a first-aid orthopedic department in an Italian ski resort2022/12/01
Computer-assisted navigation in intramedullary nailing of intertrochanteric femoral fractures treated with EBA2 nailing system: a single center retrospective study2023/08/01
Midshaft clavicle fractures treatment: proposal of informed consent for a shared-treatment decision2023/08/01
Treatment of early post-operative flexion contracture after total knee arthroplasty with osteopathic manipulations2023/08/01
Orthopaedic trauma surgery versus fracture care: what’s the difference?2023/08/01
Definitive treatment of open tibia fractures2023/08/01
Learning curve in management of both column acetabular fractures in a specialized pelvic trauma center2023/08/01
Description of a new modified Milch technique in acute shoulder antero-inferior dislocation: a multicenter study2023/08/01
Extreme presentation of lower limb post-traumatic chronic osteomyelitis: a 56-year-long untreated and actively secreting fistula2023/08/01
Total knee arthroplasty after complex tibial plateau fractures treated with hybrid external fixation or internal fixation: results at 10 years2023/08/01