Media Psychology

Title Publication Date Language Citations
Influence of Social Support Received in Online and Offline Contexts on Satisfaction With Social Support and Satisfaction With Life: A Longitudinal Study2014/04/29English112
Can You Feel It? Negative Emotion, Risk, and Narrative in Health Communication2008/03/21English109
The Use of Media in Media Psychology2015/09/11English109
It Works Both Ways: The Relationship Between Exposure to Sexual Content in the Media and Adolescent Sexual Behavior2008/12/23English107
Effects of Photographs in News-Magazine Reports on issue Perception1999/09/01English107
Selection and Transmission Processes for Information in the Emerging Media Environment: Psychological Motives and Message Characteristics2014/09/04English104
Phasic Emotional Reactions to Video Game Events: A Psychophysiological Investigation2006/11/01English102
Shyness and Computer-Mediated Communication: A Self-Presentational Theory Perspective2004/02/01English102
Explaining Females’ Envy Toward Social Media Influencers2017/06/12English97
Gaming Addiction, Gaming Engagement, and Psychological Health Complaints Among Norwegian Adolescents2013/01/01English97
Voluntary Engagement in an Open Web-Based Encyclopedia: Wikipedians and Why They Do It2009/02/26English97
Parent–Child Joint Reading in Traditional and Electronic Formats2014/04/25English96
Influence of Hostile Media Perception on Willingness to Engage in Discursive Activities: An Examination of Mediating Role of Media Indignation2008/03/21English93
Cognition and Emotion in TV Message Processing: How Valence, Arousing Content, Structural Complexity, and Information Density Affect the Availability of Cognitive Resources2007/09/28English93
Sexting, Mobile Porn Use, and Peer Group Dynamics: Boys' and Girls' Self-Perceived Popularity, Need for Popularity, and Perceived Peer Pressure2014/01/02English89
The Mediated Moderation Model of Interactivity2007/05/15English88
Internet Communication and Its Relation to Well-Being: Identifying Some Underlying Mechanisms2007/03/01English87
Emotional and Cognitive Predictors of the Enjoyment of Reality-Based and Fictional Television Programming: An Elaboration of the Uses and Gratifications Perspective2006/11/01English86
Appraisal of Emotions in Media Use: Toward a Process Model of Meta-Emotion and Emotion Regulation2008/03/21English86
Parsing the Resource Pie: Using STRTs to Measure Attention to Mediated Messages2006/11/01English85
Adolescents' Exposure to Sexually Explicit Internet Material and Sexual Preoccupancy: A Three-Wave Panel Study2008/06/25English85
The Role of Social Presence in Interactive Agent-Based Persuasion2007/09/28English85
Identification With Video Game Characters as Automatic Shift of Self-Perceptions2010/11/30English84
Emotional Gratification in Entertainment Experience. Why Viewers of Movies and Television Series Find it Rewarding to Experience Emotions2012/07/01English84
Entertainment is Emotion: The Functional Architecture of the Entertainment Experience2008/03/21English82
Avatar characteristics induce users’ behavioral conformity with small-to-medium effect sizes: a meta-analysis of the proteus effect2019/06/20English81
Tales from the Screen: Enduring Fright Reactions to Scary Media1999/06/01English79
Something for Nothing: Is Visual Encoding Automatic?1999/06/01English79
What Can Virtual Reality Teach Us About Prosocial Tendencies in Real and Virtual Environments?2008/06/25English77
Why People Watch Reality TV2004/11/01English77