Microgravity Science and Technology

Title Publication Date Language Citations
Technology and Developments for the Random Positioning Machine, RPM2008/09/03English165
Closed Loop Two-Phase Thermosyphon of Small Dimensions: a Review of the Experimental Results2011/08/07English82
Space Program SJ-10 of Microgravity Research2014/09/19English78
Numerical Study on Taylor Bubble Formation in a Micro-channel T-Junction Using VOF Method2009/06/20English75
A Spaceborne Gravity Gradiometer Concept Based on Cold Atom Interferometers for Measuring Earth’s Gravity Field2014/10/01English69
Effect of Gravity During Condensation of R134a in a Circular Minichannel2011/07/30English67
Droplet Combustion Experiments Aboard the International Space Station2014/06/04English65
Facilities for Simulation of Microgravity in the ESA Ground-Based Facility Programme2016/01/14English63
Sessile Drop in Microgravity: Creation, Contact Angle and Interface2009/06/06English54
Nucleate Pool Boiling Experiments (NPBX) on the International Space Station2012/07/19English53
Internal Flow of Acoustically Levitated Droplet2008/07/17English51
Diffusion and Soret in Ternary Mixtures. Preparation of the DCMIX2 Experiment on the ISS2013/08/17English51
Adaptation of a 2-D Clinostat for Simulated Microgravity Experiments with Adherent Cells2013/06/02English47
Investigation of Different Droplet Formation Regimes in a T-junction Microchannel Using the VOF Technique in OpenFOAM2015/06/01English44
A Compact Atom Interferometer for Future Space Missions2010/09/23English44
Analysis of the Thermal Performance of SODI Instrument for DCMIX Configuration2013/02/01English43
Magnetohydrodynamics Nanofluid Flow Containing Gyrotactic Microorganisms Propagating Over a Stretching Surface by Successive Taylor Series Linearization Method2018/03/15English41
Behavior of Shape Memory Epoxy Foams in Microgravity: Experimental Results of STS-134 Mission2012/06/28English40
Nonlinear Gravitational and Radiation Aspects in Nanoliquid with Exponential Space Dependent Heat Source and Variable Viscosity2018/02/06English40
Thermomagnetic Convection as a Tool for Heat and Mass Transfer Control in Nanosize Materials Under Microgravity Conditions2008/07/23English40
Thermodiffusion in Ternary Mixtures of Water/Ethanol/Triethylene Glycol: First Report on the DCMIX3-Experiments Performed on the International Space Station2018/02/15English40
Gas/Water and Heat Management of PEM-Based Fuel Cell and Electrolyzer Systems for Space Applications2016/11/23English39
Sessile Drop Wettability in Normal and Reduced Gravity2012/01/07English39
Status of the Electrostatic Levitation Furnace (ELF) in the ISS-KIBO2018/06/16English38
Bubble Behavior and Heat Transfer in Quasi-Steady Pool Boiling in Microgravity2009/07/07English38
Impact of Thermodiffusion on the Initial Vertical Distribution of Species in Hydrocarbon Reservoirs2015/11/04English38
Velocity Distribution of Vibration-driven Granular Gas in Knudsen Regime in Microgravity2008/07/03English37
Investigation of Waves Interaction in Annular Gas–Liquid Flow Using High-Speed Fluorescent Visualization Technique2008/06/10English37
Experimental Investigation on Flash Evaporation of Saltwater Droplets Released into Vacuum2009/06/19English35
Magnetic Levitation of MC3T3 Osteoblast Cells as a Ground-Based Simulation of Microgravity2008/08/14English35