Klinische Pädiatrie

Title Publication Date Language Citations
The influence of tumor blood flow and microenvironmental factors on the efficacy of radiation, drugs and localized hyperthermia1997/07/01German28
Hormone and Sperm Analyses after Chemo- and Radiotherapy in Childhood and Adolescence2010/05/01German28
Squamous Cell Carcinomas of the Head and Neck in Fanconi Anemia: Risk, Prevention, Therapy, and the Need for Guidelines2012/04/01German28
Neonatal Opiate Withdrawal and Rooming-In: A Retrospective Analysis of a Single Center Experience2013/08/21German28
The incidence of hearing impairment after successful treatment of neuroblastoma2002/07/0128
Combined Trimethoprim and Caspofungin Treatment for Severe Pneumocystis Jiroveci Pneumonia in a Five Year Old Boy with Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia2006/05/01German28
Sexual Dimorphism of Neonatal Lung Development2013/03/22German28
Pancreatic Agenesis as Cause for Neonatal Diabetes Mellitus2005/03/01German27
erman case control study on childhood leukaemia - Basic considerations, methodology and summary of the results1998/07/01German27
Kombinierte Behandlungsstrategie bei über 200 Kindern mit Morbus Hodgkin: Abgestufte Chemotherapie, Involved-Field-Bestrahlung mit erniedrigten Dosen und selektive Splenektomie. Ein Bericht der kooperativen Therapiestudie DAL-HD-82*1986/05/01German27
Impaired renal function and tumor lysis syndrome in pediatric patients with Non-Hodgkin's Lymphoma and B-ALL1998/07/01German27
Der familiäre Leistenhoden2003/01/01German27
FDG-PET in 10 children with Non-Hodgkin’s Lymphoma: Initial Experience in Staging and Follow-up2005/11/01German26
Treatment of Refractory CMV-Infection Following Hematopoietic Stem Cell Transplantation with the Combination of Foscarnet and Leflunomide2006/05/01German26
The 2010 Guidelines on Neonatal Resuscitation (AHA, ERC, ILCOR): Similarities and Differences – What Progress Has Been Made since 2005?2011/08/03German26
Late Effects after Therapy of Hodgkin's Disease: Update 2003/04 on Overwhelming Post-Splenectomy Infections and Secondary Malignancies2004/11/01German26
Langerhanszell-Histiozytose im Kindesalter - Ergebnisse der DAL-HX 83 Studie*1987/05/01German26
Case Control Study on Childhood Leukemia in Lower Saxony, Germany1996/07/01German25
Treatment of Constitutional Delay of Growth and Adolescence with Human Growth Hormone1983/09/01German25
Unintentional Household Poisoning in Children2007/09/01German25
Joint Preserving Surgery for Osteonecrosis and Osteochondral Defects after Chemotherapy in Childhood2003/11/01German25
Besteht ein Zusammenhang zwischen der verkürzten Gymnasialzeit und Kopfschmerzen und gesundheitlichen Belastungen bei Schülern im Jugendalter?2010/05/07German24
Co-infection of SARS CoV-2 and influenza A in a Pediatric Patient in Germany2020/05/11German24
Population-Based Incidence of Severe Pneumonia in Children in Kiel, Germany2005/07/01German24
Targeted Therapy for Neuroblastoma: ALK Inhibitors2013/10/28German24
Assessment of molecular genetic detection of chromosome translocations in the differential diagnosis of pediatric sarcomas1997/07/01German24
Die kooperative Ewing-Sarkom-Studie CESS 81 der GPO - Analyse nach 4 Jahren*+(*1985/05/01German24
Dientamoeba fragilis infection, a cause of gastrointestinal symptoms in childhood1990/03/01German24
Automated Adjustments of Inspired Fraction of Oxygen to Avoid Hypoxemia and Hyperoxemia in Neonates – A Systematic Review on Clinical Studies2014/07/10German23
Effectiveness of a Family-oriented Rehabilitation Program on the Quality of Life of Parents of Chronically Ill Children2009/07/01German23