Commentationes Mathematicae Universitatis Carolinae

Title Publication Date Language Citations
On some properties of the upper central series in Leibniz algebras2019/08/16English7
Global existence results for second order neutral functional differential equation with state-dependent delay2016/07/05English4
On Hattori spaces2017/07/31English4
Lipschitz approximable Banach spaces2020/11/05English4
Translation surfaces of finite type in ${\rm Sol}_{3}$2020/11/05English4
Periodic solutions of a class of third-order differential equations with two delays depending on time and state2019/11/25English4
A proof of the independence of the Axiom of Choice from the Boolean Prime Ideal Theorem2015/12/31English3
Selectors of discrete coarse spaces2022/11/14English3
A note on the adaptive estimation of the differential entropy by wavelet methods2017/06/21English3
A combinatorial proof of the extension property for partial isometries2019/07/08English3
Sufficient conditions for the solvability of some third order functional boundary value problems on the half-line2018/01/05English2
Geodesic graphs in Randers g.o. spaces2020/11/05English2
Another ordering of the ten cardinal characteristics in Cichoń's diagram2019/07/08English2
Coloring Cantor sets and resolvability of pseudocompact spaces2019/01/07English2
Finitely-additive, countably-additive and internal probability measures2019/01/07English2
Local convergence of a one parameter fourth-order Jarratt-type metho¨d in Banach spaces2016/11/02English2
Spaces with star countable extent2016/11/02English2
Strong functors on many-sorted sets2020/02/21English2
On matrix Lie rings over a commutative ring that contain the special linear Lie ring2016/04/13English2
On power integral bases for certain pure number fields defined by $x^{18}-m$2022/08/22English2
On star covering properties related to countable compactness and pseudocompactness2017/11/23English2
A co-ideal based identity-summand graph of a commutative semiring2015/09/04English2
On the number of binary signed digit representations of a given weight2015/09/04English2
Remarks on $LBI$-subalgebras of $C(X)$2016/07/05English2
The small Ree group $^{2}G_{2}(3^{2n+1})$ and related graph2018/11/16English2
A note on the solutions of a second-order evolution inclusion in non separable Banach spaces2017/11/23English2
Spectra of uniformity2019/10/04English2
Semicommutativity of the rings relative to prime radical2015/12/31English1
Automorphism liftable modules2018/05/21English1
Some results on the co-intersection graph of submodules of a module2018/05/21English1