Colonial Latin American Review

Title Publication Date Language Citations
Hybridity and Its Discontents: Considering Visual Culture in Colonial Spanish America*2003/06/01English67
The Slave Trade to the Río de la Plata, 1777–1812: Trans-Imperial Networks and Atlantic Warfare2011/03/14English34
The Many Tongues of the King: Indigenous Language Interpreters and the Making of the Spanish Empire2014/05/04English24
Ethnic and gender influences on “Spanish” Creole society in colonial Spanish America∗1995/01/01English23
Subaltern technologies and early modernity in the Atlantic World2017/01/02English22
Colonialism and postcolonialism as (Latin) American mirages1992/01/01English19
Enslaved rebels, fugitives, and litigants: the resistance continuum in colonial quito2004/06/01English18
Naming the Trinity: From Ideologies of Translation to Dialectics of Reception in Colonial Nahua Texts, 1547-17712000/06/01English18
History and Art in Translation: The Panos and Other Objects Collected by Francisco de Toledo1999/06/01English14
A ‘personal visit’: Colonial political ritual and the making of Indians in the Andes∗1994/01/01English14
Research, Development, and Empire: State Support of Science in the Later Spanish Empire*2006/06/01English13
Social Climbers in a Colonial Mexican City: Individual Mobility within the Sistema de Castas in Orizaba, 1777-17912001/12/01English12
Colonial identities and thesociedad de castas1995/01/01English12
'Half My Body Free, the Other Half Enslaved': The Politics of the Slaves of Guayaquil at the End of the Colonial Era1998/06/01English12
Between Images and Writing: The Ritual of the King's Quillca *1998/06/01English12
Out of The Shadow of Vasari: Towards A New Model of The ‘Artist’ in Colonial Latin America2015/07/03English12
Empire and Knowledge: Reporting from the New World*2006/06/01English12
‘MoreLadinothan Necessary’: Indigenous Litigants and the Language Policy Debate in Mid-Colonial Peru*2007/06/01English12
La negociación indígena en el Imperio ibérico: aportes a su discusión metodológica2012/11/26English12
Socially Not So Dead! Slave Identities in Bourbon Nueva Granada2001/06/01English11
Programa iconográfico y material en las pinturas murales de la iglesia de San Andrés de Pachama, Chile2016/04/02English11
Introduction: entangled trajectories: indigenous and European histories2017/01/02English11
Unlucky strike: gold and labor in Zaruma, Ecuador, 1699–18202004/06/01English10
La vida femenina como experiencia religiosa: Biografía y hagiografía en hispanoamerica colonial1993/01/01English10
Painting as Exploration: Visualizing Nature in Eighteenth-Century Colonial Science*2006/06/01English9
Communication Breakdown: Information and Risk in Spanish Atlantic World Trade during an Era of ‘Free Trade’ and War2011/03/14English9
El canon memorioso forjado por los Títulos primordiales2002/12/01English8
Risky Ventures: Reconsidering Mexico's Colonial Trade System*2005/06/01English8
The Possessor's Agency: Private Art Collecting in the Colonial Andes2009/12/01English8
Dancing for the King of Congo from Early Modern Central Africa to Slavery-Era Brazil2013/08/01English8