Izvestiya, Atmospheric and Oceanic Physics

Title Publication Date Language Citations
Simulating present-day climate with the INMCM4.0 coupled model of the atmospheric and oceanic general circulations2010/08/01English12
Numerical modeling of methane emissions from lakes in the permafrost zone2011/04/01English4
Mesoscale eddies in the area of peter the great bay according to satellite data2013/12/01English3
Temporal Variability of Total Ozone in the Asian Region Inferred from Ground-Based and Satellite Measurement Data2017/12/01English3
On the nature of short-period oscillations of the main Black Sea pycnocline, submesoscale eddies, and response of the marine environment to the catastrophic shower of 20122013/11/01English3
Subsatellite polygon for studying hydrophysical processes in the Black Sea shelf-slope zone2014/01/01English3
Dynamic processes in the near-ground atmosphere during the solar eclipse of August 1, 20082011/02/01English3
Simulating the influence of an atmospheric fine inhomogeneous structure on long-range propagation of pulsed acoustic signals2010/02/01English3
Physical properties of the formation of water exchange between Atlantic and Arctic Ocean2017/03/01English3
Calculation of the Natural Illumination of the Earth’s Surface at Different States of Cloud Cover2019/12/01English3
Lagrangian analysis of mixing and transport of water masses in the marine bays2013/01/01English2
Diurnal variations in the intensity of tropical cyclones2013/07/01English2
Simulation and prediction of climate changes in the 19th to 21st centuries with the Institute of Numerical Mathematics, Russian Academy of Sciences, model of the Earth’s climate system2013/07/01English2
Dynamics of Convective Upwelling of Large-Scale Weakly Heated Atmospheric Aggregates2019/05/01English2
Seismic catastrophe in Japan on March 11, 2011: Long-term prediction on the basis of low-frequency microseisms2011/12/01English2
Infrasound scattering from atmospheric anisotropic inhomogeneities2011/10/01English2
Asymptotic analysis of transition to turbulence and chaotic advection in shear zonal flows on a beta-plane2010/02/01English2
Theoretical models of the height of the atmospheric boundary layer and turbulent entrainment at its upper boundary2012/02/01English2
Dynamics of the Convective Rise of Thermals in the Atmosphere2018/11/01English2
Subpollen Particles as Atmospheric Cloud Condensation Nuclei2019/07/01English2
The Effect of Seasonal Variability of Atlantic Water on the Arctic Sea Ice Cover2018/01/01English2
Self-oscillations in the laboratory periodic flow and the linear law for the dissipation rate in the single-frequency range2016/05/01English2
Minimization of the negative influence on the biosphere in heavy oil extraction and ecologically clean technology for the injection of the steam with supercritical parameters in oil strata on the basis of new ecologically clean tubing pipes with heat-resistant coatings2015/12/01English2
Characteristics of the Short-Period S-Wave Attenuation Field in the Source Zone of the Strongest Tohoku Earthquake of March 11, 2011 (Mw = 9.0)2019/12/01English2
Comparative analysis of satellite and shipborne data on ice cover in the Russian Arctic seas2013/12/01English2
Assessment of Land-Use Efficiency in Agriculture with the Application of GIS Technologies2021/12/01English2
Dynamics of localized vortices on the beta plane2010/12/01English2
Temperature and dynamical regimes of the northern hemisphere extratropical atmosphere during sudden stratospheric warming in winter 2012–20132015/01/01English2
Calculation of the Lightning Potential Index and electric field in numerical weather prediction models2015/03/01English2
Laboratory simulation of the Kolmogorov flow on a spherical surface2012/11/01English2