
Title Publication Date Language Citations
Visual Pleasure and Narrative Cinema1975/09/01English1,773
The Other Question…1983/11/01English247
Film and the Masquerade: Theorising the Female Spectator1982/09/01English149
Masculinity as Spectacle1983/11/01English95
The Concept of National Cinema1989/12/01English87
Why Pedagogy?1986/09/01English82
'Trashing' the academy: taste, excess, and an emerging politics of cinematic style1995/12/01English65
Horror and the Monstrous-Feminine: An Imaginary Abjection1986/01/01English62
Creativity: from discourse to doctrine?2007/01/01English59
A Short History of Photography1972/03/01English54
Questions of genre1990/01/01English52
Don't Look Now1982/09/01English52
The Imaginary Signifier1975/06/01English48
'Crossroads' Notes on Soap Opera1981/12/01English47
Authorship: What is an Author?1979/03/01English45
Public Service versus the Market1983/01/01English45
Realism and the Cinema: Notes on some Brechtian theses1974/06/01English42
Art Cinema as Institution1981/05/01English41
Where the global meets the local: notes from the sitting room1991/03/01English41
Problems with quality1990/03/01English40
Space, Place, Spectacle1984/07/01English37
Dossier Suture: Suture (elements of the logic of the signifier)1977/12/01English36
Dossier Suture: Cinema and Suture1977/12/01English35
Women's Genres1984/01/01English35
New traditionalism and post-feminism: TV does the home1990/06/01English34
Television: a World in action1977/06/01English34
Indian Cinema: Pleasures and Popularity1985/05/01English34
Colonialism, Racism and Representation1983/03/01English34