International Review of Economics Education

Title Publication Date Language Citations
Editorial Board2012/01/01English
Dual Enrollment: An Instructor’s Perspective2009/01/01English
Performing Economics: A Critique of ‘Teaching and Learning’ * *We would like to thank participants at the workshop: Pluralism in economics: rethinking the teaching of economics (City University London, 18 October 2008), and especially Terrence McDonough, for their comments on an earlier draft of this paper. Thanks are due also to participants at the 2008 European Association of Evolutionary Political Economy Conference:‘Labour, Institutions and Growth in a Global Knowledge Economy’ (Rome, 6–8 November 2008), and to Paolo Saviotti in particular, for their comments on a further revision.The comments of three anonymous referees of this journal, plus those of the editor of this special issue,Andy Denis, led to yet further improvements. Our biggest debt, though, is to our friend and colleague,Alan Oattes, who made characteristically detailed and perceptive comments on the paper whilst giving us access to his unpublished work on an early EC-funded, technology-driven, distance learning project.2009/01/01English
The Impact of Relative Grade Expectations on Student Evaluation of Teaching2007/01/01English
Toward Teaching Markets as Complex Systems: A Web Based Simulation Assignment Implemented in Netlogo2012/01/01English
Do Managerial Economics Textbooks Cover Ethics and Corporate Social Responsibility?2008/01/01English
Educating Latin American Economists2011/01/01English
A Classroom Investment Coordination Experiment2007/01/01English
A Citations-Based Appraisal of New Journals in Economics Education**The authors thank three anonymous referees of this journal for helpful comments. Any remaining errors are our own.2008/01/01English
Does Downloading PowerPoint Slides Before the Lecture Lead to Better Student Achievement?: Reply2011/01/01English
Learning Economics by Servicing: a Mexican Experience of Service-Learning in Microenterprises2008/01/01English
A Benchmarking of the Undergraduate Economics Major in Europe and in the United States††The authors thank the valuable comments from Catarina Roseta Palma and two anonymous referees. The usual disclaimer applies.2007/01/01English
An Interactive Computer Model of Two-Country Trade2012/01/01English
Strategic Voting and Coalitions: Condorcet’s Paradox and Ben-Gurion’s Tri-lemma2005/01/01English
An Integrated Approach to Teaching Price Discrimination2011/01/01English
Improving Understanding of Collusion in Intermediate Microeconomics2011/01/01English
Pluralism and Economic Education: a Learning Theory Approach2009/01/01English
History of Thought and Methodology in Pluralist Economics Education * *I am grateful to Victoria Chick and anonymous referees for helpful comments.2009/01/01English
Schumpeter’s ‘Vision’ and the Teaching of Principles of Economics to Resource Students * *A poster on this topic was presented at a special session on Teaching Ideas and Projects at the American Economics Association meetings, San Francisco, 2–5 January 2009, and an earlier version of this paper was presented to a special session on The Education of an Economist at the 50th anniversary conference of the New Zealand Association of Economists, Wellington, 1–3 July 2009. The author is grateful for feedback received from participants on those occasions and also for the insightful comments from Gillis Maclean, Ross Guest and two anonymous referees for this journal.2011/01/01English
Political Orientation and the Decision to Major in Economics: Some Preliminary Observations2009/01/01English
Confidentiality is Not Enough: Framing Effects in Student Evaluation of Economics Teaching2011/01/01English
Selecting Strategies to Foster Economists’ Critical Thinking Skills: A Quantile Regression Approach2009/01/01English
Does Rank-Order Grading Improve Student Performance?2005/01/01English
Learning Economics: Can the ‘what’ be separated from the ‘how’?2008/01/01English