
Title Publication Date Language Citations
Indocyanine Green Use During Pediatric Laparoscopic Cholecystectomy2019/08/01English3
Developing Simulation Models for Minimally Invasive Surgery in Pediatric Urology2020/10/01English3
Low-Cost Simulation Model for Training MIS Repair of Duodenal Atresia Combined with Telementoring Technology: Initial Assessment2016/12/01English3
First Report of Robot-Assisted Thoracoscopic Posterior Tracheopexy to Treat Severe Tracheomalacia2018/12/01English2
Robot-Assisted Restorative Proctocolectomy and Ileal Pouch–Anal Anastomosis for Ulcerative Colitis2017/08/01English2
Laparoscopic Gastrostomy Tube Placement with Transabdominal Suture2019/10/01English2
Developing Simulation Models for Fetal Therapy2019/08/01English2
Laparoscopic Anatomical Segment 2 Segmentectomy by the Glissonian Approach2017/06/01English2
Solo Single Incision Laparoscopic Left Hemihepatectomy Using a Laparoscopic Scope Holder2018/02/01English2
Ultra Minimally Invasive Hysterectomy with 2.4 mm Needleoscopic Instruments Assistance: Reducing Invasiveness Maintaining the Technique2016/10/01English2
Laparoscopic Modified Blumgart Anastomosis with a Newly Manufactured and Customized Double Needle Suture2021/10/22English2
Developing a Gruyere-Like Trainer to Use in the Transition Between Basic and Neonatal Simulation-Based Minimally Invasive Surgery Education2019/12/01English2
The String Puppet Technique: A Useful Tool for Transumbilical Surgery2016/10/01English1
Robotic Repair of Morgagni Hernia with Mesh2017/08/01English1
Direct Gallbladder Indocyanine Green Injection Fluorescence Cholangiography During Laparoscopic Cholecystectomy2018/06/01English1
Cystoscope-Assisted Laparoscopic Resection of Mullerian Duct Remnant in a Male Presenting with Uterus and Vagina2018/02/01English1
Laparoscopic Ladd's Procedure for Midgut Malrotation2019/04/01English1
Outcome of Robot-Assisted Radical Cholecystectomy in a High-Volume Tertiary Cancer Center in India2019/06/01English1
Skill Acquisition with the Peyton Approach: Building Your Own Appendix Simulator and Learning How to Use Endoloops2022/04/01English1
Use of Robotic Surgery Platform for Cholecystectomy in a Patient with Situs Inversus Totalis2022/12/01English1
Thoracoscopic Right Middle Lobe Lobectomy for Congenital Pulmonary Airway Malformation Using Small-Diameter Instruments: A Rare Affected Lesion and Procedure2020/08/01English1
Successful Laparoscopic Dual Hepaticojejunostomy of the Main Hepatic Duct and the Accessary Duct of the Right Posterior Segment to Successfully Treat a Choledochal Cyst in a 1-Year-Old Girl: A Case Report2020/10/01English1
Per-Oral Endoscopic Pyloromyotomy in a Patient with History of Sleeve Gastrectomy: A Promising Intervention for Gastroparesis?2022/06/01English1
Indocyanine Green-Guided Adrenal Sparing Laparoscopic Resection of a Recurrent Pheochromocytoma with a Concurrent Ganglioneuroma (Composite Pheochromocytoma–Ganglioneuroma) in a Girl with von Hippel–Lindau Disease2021/04/01English1
Single-Incision Plus One-Port Laparoscopic Hepatectomy (S3, 4, 5) for Liver Metastases from Rectal Cancer2022/12/01English1
Leak After Sleeve Gastrectomy: A Videoscopic Documentation on Occurrence, Diagnosis, and Treatment2022/02/01English1
Laparoscopic Repair of a Right-Sided Diaphragmatic Hernia2023/02/01English1
Full Endoscopic Suprapubic Subcutaneous Access: A New Minimally Invasive Surgical Technique for Midline Ventral Hernias2020/06/01English1
Thoracoscopic Fenestration for Hemorrhagic Cardiac Tamponade Induced by Cardiotoxicity of Cyclophosphamide2019/04/01English1
Indocyanine Green Use for Revisional Bariatric Surgery2020/02/01English1