
Title Publication Date Language Citations
Jejunal Interposition for Esophageal Replacement After Lye Ingestion in a Pediatric Patient2021/04/01English
Feasible Laparoscopic Retroperitoneal Splenopexy and Gastropexy Using a Needle Grasper for Wandering Spleen with Gastric Volvulus: A Case Report of a 3-Year-Old Boy2021/10/01English
Techniques for Management of Multiple Ingested Magnets2021/10/01English
Laparoscopic Retroperitoneal Necrosectomy: Novel Treatment of a Postnephrectomy Complication2021/10/01English
Endoscopically Assisted Band Ligation of Prolapsing Mucosa from Long-Term Gastrostomy Site2021/08/01English
Single Anastomosis Duodenoileal Bypass with Sleeve Gastrectomy for Morbid Obesity: A Step-by-Step Video Technique2021/08/01English
Initial Clinical Experience with Single-Port Robotic Upward Approach of Extended Totally Extraperitoneal Repair for Ventral Hernia: Single-Port Robotic Extended Totally Extraperitoneal2022/10/01English
Thoracoscopic Resection of Large Thymic Cyst Extending into the Left Neck2018/10/01English
Right Thoracoscopic Repair of an H-Type Tracheoesophageal Fistula2018/10/01English
Thoracoscopic Division of a Vascular Ring2018/12/01English
Modified Laparoscopic Percutaneous Extraperitoneal Closure of Indirect Inguinal Hernia in Children2016/10/01English
Robot-Assisted Spleen-Preserving Distal Pancreatectomy in MEN1 Patient2014/03/14English
Two Nonrecurrent Laryngeal Nerves Encountered During the Robotic Thyroid Operations2014/09/19English
Rectopexy for Rectal Prolapse: Highlights of Robotic Approach2014/03/17English
Laparoendoscopic Polypectomy: A Treatment Option for Small Bowel Bleeding—Technical Aspects2017/02/01English
Long-Term Outcome of Laparoscopic Duhamel Procedure for Extended Hirschsprung's Disease2017/06/01English
Totally Robotic Transhiatal Esophagectomy: Step-by-Step Approach2017/10/01English
Successful Laparoscopic Distal Pancreatectomy for a Huge Solid Pseudopapillary Neoplasm with Spleen and Vessel Preservation in an 11-Year-Old Girl: A Case Report2018/10/01English
Laparoscope-Assisted Anorectal Pull-Through for High-Imperforate Anus in a Female2018/12/01English
Laparoscopic Excision of an Ileal Duplication with Intracorporeal Enteroenterostomy in an Infant2017/10/01English
Laparoscopic Treatment of Gastric Duplication in a Child2018/04/01English
Laparoscopic Diagnosis of the Elusive Pediatric Femoral Hernia2018/06/01English
Laparoscopic Neoappendicostomy2018/08/01English
Totally Thoracoscopic Resection of Recurrent Intrahepatic Cholangiocarcinoma in Segment VII2018/04/01English
Video-Assisted Thoracoscopic Thymectomy Langerhans Cell Histiocytosis2017/12/01English
Spleen-Preserving Laparoscopic Distal Pancreatectomy for Insulinoma in a Child2017/10/01English
An Innovative Way of Tumor Localization in Robotic Rectal Cancer Surgery: Using the “FIREFLY” Mode in Da Vinci Xi Robot2017/12/01English
Leiomyosarcoma of the Rectum: The First Report of Effective Treatment with Endoscopic Submucosal Dissection2017/12/01English
Two-Port Endoscopic Fetal Closure of Myelomeningocele2018/06/01English
Bilobar Ultramini Percutaneous Hepatolithotomy2018/02/01English