Health Policy and Planning

Title Publication Date Language Citations
Constructing socio-economic status indices: how to use principal components analysis2006/08/30English2,011
Measuring social capital within health surveys: key issues2002/03/01593
Overcoming barriers to health service access: influencing the demand side2004/02/01English536
Stakeholder analysis: a review2000/09/01498
'Doing' health policy analysis: methodological and conceptual reflections and challenges2008/07/22English465
How to do (or not to do) … Designing a discrete choice experiment for application in a low-income country2008/12/26English357
Thirty years of national health insurance in South Korea: lessons for achieving universal health care coverage2008/11/12English355
Calculating QALYs, comparing QALY and DALY calculations2006/07/28English321
Addressing access barriers to health services: an analytical framework for selecting appropriate interventions in low-income Asian countries2011/05/12English318
A stakeholder analysis2000/09/01295
Which intervention design factors influence performance of community health workers in low- and middle-income countries? A systematic review2014/12/11English290
Understanding pathways for scaling up health services through the lens of complex adaptive systems2011/08/05English269
Community-based health insurance in low-income countries: a systematic review of the evidence2004/09/01English253
Systemic capacity building: a hierarchy of needs2004/09/01English250
The Ghana Community-based Health Planning and Services Initiative for scaling up service delivery innovation2005/01/01English247
Calculating and presenting disability adjusted life years (DALYs) in cost-effectiveness analysis2001/09/01236
Community health workers and the response to HIV/AIDS in South Africa: tensions and prospects2008/03/04English235
The terrain of health policy analysis in low and middle income countries: a review of published literature 1994-20072008/07/22English231
Accountability and health systems: toward conceptual clarity and policy relevance2004/11/01English227
A planning framework for community empowerment goals within health promotion2000/09/01224
Integration of targeted health interventions into health systems: a conceptual framework for analysis2009/11/16English224
The effects of global health initiatives on country health systems: a review of the evidence from HIV/AIDS control2009/06/02English216
PRISM framework: a paradigm shift for designing, strengthening and evaluating routine health information systems2009/03/20English214
Reducing out-of-pocket expenditures to reduce poverty: a disaggregated analysis at rural-urban and state level in India2008/12/17English214
Review article. Revisiting community participation1998/03/01210
Examining the links between community participation and health outcomes: a review of the literature2014/09/01English204
Decentralization of health systems in Ghana, Zambia, Uganda and the Philippines: a comparative analysis of decision space2002/03/01203
How to do (or not to do) … Assessing the impact of a policy change with routine longitudinal data2011/01/27English201
Community participation in health: perpetual allure, persistent challenge2001/09/01194
The cost of not breastfeeding: global results from a new tool2019/06/24English183