CHUL HAK SA SANG : Journal of Philosophical Ideas

Title Publication Date Language Citations
An Investigation into the Peculiarities of Jôngjo’s Thoughts –centered upon the two texts of Maengjagangui and Chusôchungi–2009/11/01English
The Others in Modern Korean Buddhism: The Decline of the Administrative and Married Monk2008/05/01English
Trends in and Characteristics of Korean Philosophical Circles2010/02/01English
Transmission of Epistemic Irrationality2009/11/01English
Latour (tr. Hong), We Have Never Been Modern, GALMURI, 2009 - Latour, Serres, and a Networking of the Modernity2009/08/01English
On the Genesis and Validity of Intersubjective Evidence2012/02/01English
Are the Two Conditions that Give Rise to the General will Contradictory?: Rousseau and the Paradox of ‘Forcing to be Free’2013/02/01English
An Ethical Examination of Research Ethics Guidelines2007/06/01English
The Unity of Human Soul and Body and its Importance for Understanding the “Human Person”2010/02/01English
Li Zhi’s Theory of Changes and the World-view from the Viewpoint of Jiu-zheng-yi-yin: Focused upon the Way of Qian and Kun2010/05/01English
Pretense and Autism2013/05/01English
Book Review: Arsitotle, Metaphysica, translated by Jinsung Kim, EJBooks, Seoul, 20072008/05/01English
The LEET, Philosophy, and Education in Critical Thinking2008/05/01English
An Examination of the Philosophical Link between Duns Scotus and Descartes: the point of view the problem of the principle of individuation2011/11/01English
The Buddhist Commentarial Tradition and its Methodological Characteristics2007/12/01English
Leibniz’s God and Tasan’s Lord on High2012/11/01English
Confucian Humanism and the Legal Significance of "Rule of Man"2007/06/01English
Two Universal Civilizations the People of the Qing Dynasty Encountered2009/05/01English
An Ontological Explanation of Wonhyo's Thought : Focusing on Heidegger's Ereignis and Wonhyo's One Mind (一心)2013/05/01English
Bell’s Spaceship Gedankenexperiment and the Dynamical Perspective on the Space and Time2013/08/01English
The Significance of Intimate Communities in Modern Urban Life2011/08/01English
A Critique of Simmons’s Analysis of the Consent Doctrine and the Fair Play Arguments2010/05/01English
On Dai Zhen’s Methods of Interpreting Mencius2007/12/01English
Some tendancies in Commentary on Maine de Biran in French Philosophy2007/12/01English
On Deontological Conception of Epistemic Justification: A Criticism and an Alternative2013/11/01English
Reconstructing Urban and Spatial Justice: A critical reconstruction of Soja's concept of spatial justice2013/08/01English
Review Essay, Initiation into Plotinus' Philosophy2009/11/01English
Derrida and Text2008/02/01English
Is Emotion a Natural Kind? - Natural kind status of emotion and emotion elimativism2008/02/01English
가의(賈誼) 저, 『신서(新書)』, 박미라 역, 소명출판사, 2007 -한대 연구를 위한 작은 초석-2008/08/01English