Journal of Human Rights

Title Publication Date Language Citations
In this issue2004/06/01English
Cosmopolitan promises: the rising struggle over human rights and democracy2004/06/01English
Notes on contributors2004/06/01English
A review of “Repainting the Little Red Schoolhouse: A History of Eastern German Education”2007/08/22English
Human Rights in Children's Literature: Imagination and the Narrative of Law2017/07/25English
Public opinion and economic human rights: Patterns of support in 22 countries2018/01/26English
The power of international criminal courts: Strategic behavior and accountability networks2017/10/19English
The domestic origins of human rights trials: A case study of the Second Boer War2016/12/18English
Digital feminism: In the aftermath of #MeToo, what’s next for workplace equity for women?2023/05/12English
From human rights to “righteous humans”: Brazilian foreign policy in the Bolsonaro era2023/12/12English
Meanings of the human rights concept: Tunisian activism in the 1970s2023/10/24English
Disruption and emergence: How to think about human rights futures2023/11/09English
How to consolidate quickly: The cases of Algeria and Tunisia2023/11/07English
#ForeignersMustGo versus “in favorem libertatis”: Human rights violations and procedural irregularities in South African immigration detention law2023/02/15English
Managed death: IO legitimacy and evolving human rights2024/01/01English
“It’s like living in a black hole”: Reevaluating the use of solitary confinement during COVID-192023/07/13English
The evolution of funding for the International Criminal Court: Budgets, donors and gender justice2023/01/01English
Casting a shadow over war zones? Hard truths about the ICC’s efforts to deter wartime atrocities2023/01/01English
The International Criminal Court at 252023/01/01English
Between negotiation and legitimation: The international criminal court and the political use of sovereignty challenges2023/01/01English
The ICC beyond the courtroom: Activities, warnings, and impact2023/01/01English
Nothing changed after Rome: Continuity in state support for the International Criminal Court2023/01/01English
‘Making the global local’: Insights from the cities for CEDAW (C4C) campaign in the United States2024/03/14English
Human rights cities and the expanding global toolkit for decolonization and racial justice2024/03/14English
Universities and human rights in cities2024/03/14English
Human rights globalization: How local and global actions institutionalize human rights2024/03/14English
Translocal lessons from transitional justice in Colombia: Truth, art, and memory to advance human rights and transform societies2024/03/14English
Notes on contributors2002/03/01English
Book Reviews2002/03/01English