Brain and Language

Title Publication Date Language Citations
Analysis of word comprehension in a case of pure word deafness1984/09/01English
Written language acquisition after left or right hemidecortication in infancy*11981/01/01English
Dissociation of mechanisms of reading in Alzheimer's disease1992/10/01English
Perception and production of tone in aphasia1988/11/01English
Selective word-learning deficits in aphasia1987/11/01English
Hemispheric processing of affective and linguistic intonation contours in normal subjects1988/01/01English
Anomia in moderate aphasia: Problems in accessing the lexical representation1989/10/01English
Perceptual difficulty and the right ear advantage for vowels1974/10/01English
Rapid Automatized Naming and gesture by normal and language-impaired children1992/11/01English
The use of laterally presented words in research into cerebral asymmetry: Is directional scanning likely to be a source of artifact?1981/09/01English
The Graphemic Buffer and attentional mechanisms1989/02/01English
Algorithmic and heuristic processes revisited1988/03/01English
Acoustic analysis of affective prosody during right-sided Wada Test: A within-subjects verification of the right Hemisphere's role in language1988/01/01English
Stroop interference in the left and right visual fields1979/11/01English
Cerebral asymmetry for speech in neonates: A behavioral measure1980/03/01English
Unexpected reading precocity in a normal preschooler: Implications for hyperlexia*11987/01/01English
Cerebral lateralization of deaf and hearing individuals for linguistic comparison judgments1979/07/01English
The nature of the task-stimulus interaction in the tachistoscopic recognition of kana and kanji words1980/03/01English
Aphasic performance on a lexical decision task: Multiple meanings and word frequency1987/01/01English
Conversational and anticonversational turntaking in mother-infant vocal interactions1990/11/01English
Dissociation between verbal and nonverbal language in a progressive aphasia case: A longitudinal study1990/11/01English
Disorders of classificatory activity in aphasia1986/07/01English
Author index for volume 141981/11/01English
Author index for volume 281986/07/01English
Gestural praxis in dementia of the Alzheimer's type1990/11/01English
Neuropsychological functioning in schizophrenic patients1990/11/01English
Papers to appear in forthcoming issues1977/04/01English
Anticipatory coarticulation in aphasia: More methodology: A reply to Sussman et al. (1988) and Katz (1988)1989/07/01English
Cover 2–Editorial Board2004/12/01English