Systems Science & Control Engineering

Title Publication Date Language Citations
Sliding mode control of SEPIC converter based photovoltaic system2021/01/12English1
Statistical inference for partially linear errors-in-variables panel data models with fixed effects2020/12/21English1
Single image dehazing algorithm based on pyramid mutil-scale transposed convolutional network2020/10/23English1
A new model for DOA estimation and its solution by multi-target intermittent particle swarm optimization2020/10/23English1
Research on reducing fuzzy test sample set based on heuristic genetic algorithm2020/11/20English1
Event-triggered consensus control for general second-order multi-agent systems2020/09/29English1
Estimating the boundary of the region of attraction of Lotka–Volterra system with time delays2020/11/20English1
Sparse representation-based classification for the planetary gearbox with improved KPCA and dictionary learning2020/01/01English1
Finite-time asynchronous sliding mode control for Markov jump systems with actuator saturation2021/01/01English1
A networked smart home system based on recurrent neural networks and reinforcement learning2021/01/01English1
Adaptive fuzzy sensor failure compensation for active suspension systems with multiple sensor failures2021/09/06English1
Synergy of ports and cities in the Chengdu-Chongqing Economic Circle and the influencing factors2021/01/01English1
Robustness analysis of cyber-physical power system based on reachable matrix2021/01/01English1
Flexible interconnection of DC microgrid cluster based on isolated bidirectional DC–DC converter2021/01/01English1
Nonlinear impact analysis of built environment on urban road traffic safety risk2023/10/27English1
Fusing separated representation into an autoencoder for magnetic materials outlier detection2022/03/31English1
Enterprise strategy analysis of synergy between cross-border e-commerce and logistics in a dynamic environment2022/05/04English1
Design of an adaptive terminal sliding mode to control the PMSM chaos phenomenon2023/06/03English1
A novel method for Jinnan cattle individual classification based on deep mutual learning2023/06/03English1
IntroducingSystems Science & Control Engineering: An Open Access Journal2013/12/01English1
Text stream mining for Massive Open Online Courses: review and perspectives2014/10/31English1
RobustH∞reliable control for nonlinear delay switched systems based on the average dwell time approach2015/01/01English1
An interesting method for the exponentials for some special matrices2013/11/12English1
Time-varying controller based on flatness for nonlinear anti-lock brake system2013/12/01English1
Ellipsoidal method for UAVs target tracking and recognition*2023/01/13English
Grape cluster detection based on spatial-to-depth convolution and attention mechanism2023/12/27English
Fault-tolerant dynamic formation control of the heterogeneous multi-agent system for cooperative wildfire tracking2023/12/27English
An automatic and unsupervised image mask acquisition method based on generative adversarial networks2024/01/08English
Pedestrian detection method based on improved YOLOv52024/01/08English
Optimal mean-variance investment and reinsurance strategies with a general Lévy process risk model2024/02/02English